The third angel's message is to be given with power. The power of the proclamation of the first and second messages is to be intensified in
the third. {6T 60.1}
Right at the start we need to bring out the exact importance of this quotation.
“The power of the proclamation of the first and second messages is to be intensified in the third”.
Why has the Prophet of God used these words: “intensified in the third”?
Not that the power in the 1st and 2nd Message would intensify the 3rd Angel, but that the Power in the 3rd Angel’s Message would intensify
the 1st two.
to make more acute; strengthen or sharpen
Now if we add this to the statement and replace the word intensify we get this:
The power of the proclamation of the first and second messages is to make more acute; strengthen or sharpen the third angel’s message.
The 1st & 2nd Angels Messages are made more acute, strengthen or sharpened.
Strengthened greater and sharpened in its truth in the 3rd Angel’s Message. Do you think the 1st & 2nd Angels Messages are needed to be
made more acute, strengthened and sharpened?
Were the teachings in these 1st two proclamation messages accurate?
What!!! Have I got your attention …… They were accurate …… don’t worry?
Remember in 1848 when the 3rd Angel’s Message was accepted and began to be proclaimed as the sealing message for those preparing
for heaven.
It was in this revelation from God that the true message of the first angel came to light. Let us never forget that point.
Did William Miller properly understand the 1st Angel’s Message?
No! Unfortunately, he did not. At least not in its entirety. It would be absurd for anyone today to think William Miller understood the 1st &
2nd Angels Messages correctly in all points.
Well …… Why would this be?
Well you ask …… Wasn’t William Miller used by God to preach a message?
Why would God allow William Miller and many other teachers around the world to preach a message that was not complete?
Doesn’t Ellen White tell us God put his hand over the mistake so they could not understand it correctly? Well wasn’t it predicted by the Bible
Yes it was !!!
Revelation 10 proves that. William Miller was used by God to preach the soon coming of Jesus applied to October 22, 1844.
Did Jesus come on October 22, 1844?
No, He did not!!!
So, the whole message preached about October 22, 1844, was not a correct message. It was flawed in its interpretation, IN PART only of
You see it was because of the traditional thinking that this earth was the Sanctuary, and it was to be cleansed on October 22, 1844 when
Jesus came.
Even though God used William Miller to preach a message, and through it came power and much light, it was not the full truth of the event
that happened in October 22, 1844.
The date was correct, it was solid, it cannot be moved and it still can’t be moved.
The Part of the event attributed by William Miller was incorrect was only that part about the earth being the Sanctuary and it would be the
2nd Coming of Christ.
We have been teaching I don’t know how many times, “A whole lot of truth and a tiny little bit of error is what? — ERROR.
It’s that little bit of error that caused the great disappointment.
Now we need to understand something:
How much excitement do you think there would have been had if William Miller preached the truth.
That Jesus was moving from the 1st Compartment to the 2nd Compartment of the Sanctuary on the Day of Atonement in the Heavenly
Sanctuary on that date.
Do you think it would have gone all around the world like it did …… when they all got excited about Jesus coming …… Do you think this
would have happened if they knew the truth?
There was great excitement over the thought of Jesus coming. The proof that they would not have got excited is in the disappointment. Still
clearer is the fact the true 3rd Angel’s Message has been preached since 1848, and guess what? Hardly anyone’s getting excited about it -
Hardly anyone, very few keep it in mind that we are in the great Anti-Typical Day of Atonement.
That means those people have not applied the 1st Angel’s Message to their lives.
We are going to get deeper into this, because, to understand the 4th Angel’s Message we have to completely understand the first “Three
Angels’ Messages”. This is why there is such a danger when we focus on the teachings of men.
Men who have not accepted Present Truth and have not followed Christ into the Most Holy Place.
The prophet made this comment in Early Writings:
I turned to look at the company who were still bowed before the throne; they did not know that Jesus had left it. Satan appeared to be by
the throne, trying to carry on the work of God. {EW 56.1}
Where was this throne?
It was in the Heavenly Sanctuary, in the 1st Compartment we call The Holy Place.
“they did not know that Jesus had left it” …… that’s terrible!!!
Was Satan really by the Throne? NO — he just appeared to be there for this explanation of what was happening.
This is a bit like a parable she is seeing. In other words — there is a principle here.
Those still in the Holy Place are those who did not follow Jesus into the Most Holy Place or 2nd Compartment of the Sanctuary.
What religions do you know today who refuse the Light Jesus moving from the Holy to the Most Holy Place in 1844?
I saw them look up to the throne, and pray, “Father, give us Thy Spirit." Satan would then breathe upon them an unholy influence; in it there
was light and much power, but no sweet love, joy, and peace. Satan’s object was to keep them deceived and to draw back and deceive
God's children. {EW 56.1}
These churches & people are stuck in the mindset of the pre 1844 view of what is going on in heaven, namely the Sunday Keeping
They stayed where Miller, Snow and company were prior to 1844.
They stayed in the Holy Place, and rejected the light of Jesus moving from the Holy to the Most Holy Place.
When you refuse to follow God in His Leadings, you become susceptible to your mind being controlled by the enemy — the evil one.
Those who got left behind got another leader, and operate without the power of God, and with only the power of Satan. Today we have large
sections of the Adventists Church doing the same thing I am sad to say.
This is extremely important, because there are many professing Adventism that say we should be accepting today Snow and others before
1844, and just as they preached it then.
They say if you don’t take them exactly as is then you don’t have truth.
How many visions did Ellen White have after 1844 — over 2000. She increased our light greatly and so did many of our pioneers.
So, to stay back in a pre-1844 mentality is to reject the prophet that came after William Miller.
You then join those who refuse to follow Jesus into the Most Holy Place. Another way of saying the same thing is to say:
1844 was for them back then, but today it is not truth for us. It is no longer truth.
To say this, you remain with Satan in the first compartment – the Holy Place. Samuel Snow came up with the date 22nd October 1844, and
he was right.
Because he knew he was the one who came up with that date he gained a lot of recognition. He allowed himself to get pretty puffed up
about it. A bad mistake, because he wrote some pretty awful stuff after that.
After the disappointment, Samuel Snow rejected the light of Jesus going into the most holy place.
He rejected the Sabbath light and proclaimed himself as the Elijah of the Advent Movement. And even though I am not his Judge, he died
with this legacy and more than likely a lost man.
Today many are falling into a similar trap of Satan.
Those who are rejecting the present truth are flocking to the fanaticism, of the so-called prophecies of the 2520 being espoused.
There’s a preacher in the USA who said:
“I don’t believe Leviticus 26 is a time prophecy”.
Then he said:
“There’s a 1260 prophecy in Daniel and a 1260 prophecy in Revelation, so 2 times 1260 is 2520 so I believe in the 2520 prophecy.
How ridiculous is that???
People are doing their level best to try and show that all the prophecies are directly applying to the SDA general conference, and they say,
because of this time prophecy the conference is no longer valid.
Again and again have I been warned in regard to time-setting. There will never again be a message for the people of God that will be based
on time. We are not to know the definite time either for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or for the coming of Christ. {RH, March 22, 1892
par. 7}
Now who gave her the warnings when she is saying: “Again and again have I been warned”.
Yes - God gave her the warnings!!!
There will never again be another time prophecy unless we are sent another prophet.
Now with that statement, is there any possibility of it happening. NO of course not.
There will never again be a message for the people of God that will be based on time. We are not to know the definite time either for the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit or for the coming of Christ. {RH, March 22, 1892 par. 7}
There are some prophecies that will soon take place and we will know them when we see and hear them. But they are not prophecies
attached to a time.
Prophesies like the he shall come to his end and none shall help then the close of probation is happening in heaven when Turkey takes over
Jerusalem, even though we will recognise the fulfilment of this prophecy, there is no time attached to it.
God has given us instruction through His prophet. He gave us the principals of the Heavenly Sanctuary to guide and protect us in the
present truth given by God’s unquestionable Authority.
Only those who have kept their eyes on Jesus and followed Him by faith into the MOST HOLY PLACE of the Heavenly Sanctuary will find
eternal peace in their hearts.
That peace is the very life of Jesus brought to life in every individual who is unreservedly surrendered to the workings of the Holy Spirit.
It was by the light that came through Holy Spirit the people of God were brought into the real Message of the 1st Angel.
I’ll never forget reading in some of the original Review & Heralds, where a young woman sent in a letter to James White. This was in 1851, 7
years after the disappointment. She wrote that the High Priest bore their names on His Breastplate in the Most Holy Place, and that daily
her and her husband prayed:
Lord have you been able to retain our names on your Breastplate, or have we sinned against you this day. Please forgive our sins and fill us
with your spirit so we are not removed from Your Breastplate.
How often have we gotten such a view of the Day of Atonement that we plead before the Father that we retain our names on the Breastplate
of our High Priest?
Have we fallen so far from even the 1st Angel’s Message?
The opening of the Day of Atonement is a serious thing, for it is only on the final Day of Atonement that our sins can be blotted out from the
records in the Sanctuary in Heaven.
The only way our names remain in the Book of Life is if all our sins are blotted out.
Then next comes the 2nd Angel’s Message, announcing the fall of Babylon.
The term Babylon is not only applied to Roman Catholicism any more.
Why is the 2nd Angel’s Message not only applying to Roman Catholicism??? Roman Catholicism had already fallen and do you remember
that she had daughters, the Harlot’s Daughters in as quoted in Revelation 17:5.
Roman Catholicism had fallen over a thousand years before. The message of the 2nd Angel was that the Protestant Churches had fallen and
become Babylon.
Those Protestant Churches, the Whore’s Daughters, were rejecting PRESENT TRUTH.
They militantly tried to destroy the Millerite Movement. Today we have people who oppose us and try to stop us when we preach the true
2nd Angel’s Message.
{Early Writings 258.3}
I saw a company who stood well-guarded and firm, giving no countenance to those who would unsettle the established faith of the body.
God looked upon them with approbation. {EW 258.3}
APPROBATION = approval
{EW 258.3} I was shown three steps -- the first, second, and third angels’ messages. Said my accompanying angel, “Woe to him who shall
move a block or stir a pin of these messages. {EW 258.3}
All Ellen White is doing here is taking dictation, because the Angel is speaking.
Where did the Angel get the words -- from GOD of course!!!
Do you think that Angel is going to say anything of his own opinion? NO - of course not!!!
That Angel is going quote verbatim what God has told him …… He will not say anything else.
This is what the angel says: {EW 258.3}
“Woe to him who shall move a block or stir a pin of these messages.” {EW 258.3}
What we have read so far is followed by something very interesting:
Continuing ……
{EW 258.3}
The true understanding of these messages is of vital importance. The destiny of souls hangs upon the manner in which they are received.
{EW 258.3}
Imagine we have 3 steps … 1-2-3 … what could happen if I start from the bottom and go directly to the top of the 3 steps?
Well, I run the risk of tripping and falling, would you agree?
To be safe I need to take one step at a time. In other words, I need to have a good understanding of the 1st Angels Message before we
take the next step towards the 2nd Angel’s Message.
Then we must fully understand the 2nd Angel’s Message and come out of Babylon, then we can go onto the 3rd Angel’s Message. You
cannot at any time get to the 3rd Angel’s message if you remain in Babylon. You must come out to receive it.
By the way there is a fourth step and it’s called, THE 4TH ANGEL’S MESSAGE.
Do you think the same applies to the 3rd and 4th Angel’s Message???
Only those who go full hog on the 3rd Angel’s message will have anything to do with the 4th Angel’s Message.
With full understanding of the 3rd Angel’s Message in the Pioneers minds, everything comes into context.
The 1st & 2nd Angels messages are brightened by the light from God’s Throne, dispelling all of human traditional thinking. So, the same
applies to the 4th Angel’s Message.
No longer did the Pioneers have any thought in their minds that the earth was the Sanctuary.
What’s more, in their minds they saw Christ go into the MOST HOLY PLACE.
They knew there was a work yet to be done. They knew they had to have their characters purified.
God was continually opening up truth after truth, the Sabbath was just the start of truth to be revealed. Many times, progress would stall
because people weren’t keeping up with God.
By 1905 / 1906 the scroll had completely opened for the 3rd Angel’s Message.
The TWO WITNESSES established the foundation, and now people are starting to say I don’t want it.
You see …… without having all the human traditional thinking destroyed …… it will lead the heart of man to say:
“The LORD delays His coming”.
Then comes this counsel from God’s Prophet:
{6T 60.1}
We are in danger of giving the third angel’s message in so indefinite a manner that it does not impress the people. So many other interests
are brought in that the very message which should be proclaimed with power becomes tame and voiceless.
{6T 60.1}
I am asking you this:
Are we allowing many other interests in this world to tame our witness to a voiceless nothing???
Has the Holy Spirit been speaking and leading you this year even this week ???
And to that question …… what has been our response?
Do we foolishly say by our actions and thoughts.
…… are you saying ……
…… this has to happen
…… and that has to happen
…… and this to happen and that has to happen ……
…… That’ll make it at least 2050.
…… so when people — say I’ve got sometime ……
Is that the attitude we are supposed to have???
No — you don’t have time!!!
God forbid …… We don’t have time,
Are we taking seriously our own salvation and that of our families?
You see this work of the 4th Angel — the 4th Message empowered by the Holy Spirit causing the OUTPOURING of the LATTER — the
HIGHER RAIN …… is to come upon us while we are actively going fourth with the 3rd Angel’s Message.
So, do you want to be found not going forward with the 3rd Angel’s Message?
Until I had read this many times and studied a lot — I did not I wake up to why she wrote such a thing …… then I realised.
The OUTPOURING of the LATTER — the HIGHER RAIN …… is to come upon us while we are actively going fourth with the 3rd Angel’s
I have quoted it that many times I can’t remember how many times …… either in conversations, studies or sermons:
Sometimes it takes a while for us to wake up …… I eventually got there !!!
Listen to what she says here:
God designs that the plan of redemption shall come to His people as the latter rain; for they are fast losing their connection with God. They
are trusting in man, and glorifying man, and their strength is proportionate to the strength of their dependence. {BTS, January 1, 1913 par.
What ever you do don’t follow a man …… Study for yourself …… make sure you have truth by your study …… check what people say
…… when we do this …… Mrs White is very clear:
We are trusting in man, and glorifying man, and our strength will be proportionate to the strength of our dependence.
I heard a minister preach one particular thing a few years ago …… and its was good …… and now this man preaches the exact
If you haven’t studied for yourself you have a massive problem …… if you were believing the man.
Now …… the part that opened my eyes is when she said:
Some matters have been opened before me which will be fulfilled ere long. We are to know more than we do at the present time.
{Manuscript 75 1899} {BTS, January 1, 1913 par. 1}
What year did she say this? — 1899
She wrote in {Manuscript 75 1899} We are quoting what was recorded again in 1913.
I have a question for you ……
This statement:
“We are to know more than we do at the present time”
In what context is that sentence written?
God designs that THE PLAN OF REDEMPTION shall come to His people as the latter rain; for they are fast losing their connection with God.
They are trusting in man, and glorifying man, and their strength is proportionate to the strength of their dependence. {BTS, January 1, 1913
par. 1}
It was written in context of the “the plan of redemption”.
Because of this …… THE PROPHET OF GOD knew we were to learn more than she had given us at that time in regard to the plan of
Could it be the, 4th Angel’s Message, is brought in by the power of the Holy Spirit during the time of the latter rain.
Could it be this 4th Message that brings a message so connected to the 1st three Angels Messages that it sharpens and intensifies and
brings everything into context in a greater way than ever before.
All in the connection and connected to the PLAN OF REDEMPTION.
And you think you know it all now?
The PLAN OF REDEMPTION is set forth throughout the ages to humanity from Adam at the gate when he was forced to leave because of sin,
to this very day right now.
The PLAN OF REDEMPTION is taught by God in a Sanctuary Message with greater and greater light all through history from Adam till now.
Every step of the way God makes the message clearer and brighter all along the way, all in relation to The PLAN OF REDEMPTION.
I wonder if, because of sin, we are getting less and less intelligent, so the message is getting clearer and clearer, brighter and brighter all
along the way.
Also, the main reason The PLAN OF REDEMPTION is getting clearer and brighter is because time is getting shorter and closer to the 2nd
Salvation is in Jesus Christ for He is our High Priest. He is our Sacrifice for sin. He blots out our sin as it is covered by His blood.
I am sad to say, people are losing their anchor in Jesus and are making man their security.
I get all these questions come at me.
Where did you go to School?
Are you with the conference?
What’s your Authority?
What’s your Authority to Teach?
Who Authorised you?
My answer is always ……. THE HOLY SPIRIT AUTHORISED ME.
The Conference Authorises anyone who speaks what the THEY want you to speak.
The HOLY SPIRIT only authorises those who speak truth, according The Bible, Ellen White and the Pioneers.
There’s a huge difference.
You have to be on the right platform teaching true Adventism to have the Holy Spirit’s Authority.
We have put a system of beliefs in place that has in many ways moved away further and further from the original God gave us as the years
rolled along.
Things have changed so much that we have all kinds of strange things coming at us.
The testing time is truly here. We must truly be aware and awake.
We’ve gotten to the stage where: as a people we are in great need of the true Gospel brought before us.
Now — I may get in trouble for this comment
Far too Adventists of today enjoy sin tooooo much.
If we are not careful we will lose sight of the true message of the 3 angels and accept the insipid, powerless, watered down message that
will not wake up the people at all.
Not giving the message in its full strength is now reaping the consequences.
Has anyone noticed the drums in the Sanctuary in many of our churches, and the worldly style music that goes with it?
Other things also like:
Women’s Ordination …
LGBTQ rights in Adventism …
And many other things …
Have they no shame ?
The message of the 4th Angel which brings a greater intensity, and greater urgency to the 3 Messages of Revelation 14, with greater
urgency, and greater power, from the throne of God.
It must not only be understood, but it must be experienced in our lives from day to day, moment by moment, or you won’t be getting it
poured out on you.
If we don’t correctly understand the 3rd Angels Message — as many don’t, now, how can we be brought into correct unity with the 4th
Angels Message?
It cannot be done and have God’s power with it too, unless you have the correct view to begin with.
We need to be reminded.
It is not in the order of God that light has been kept from our people, — the very present truth which they needed for this time. Not all of
our ministers who are giving the third angel's message, really understand what constitutes that message. {5T 714.2}
{RH, December 11, 1888 par. 14}
Now this was written over 100 years ago …… when she said:
“Not all of our ministers who are giving the third angel's message, really understand what constitutes that message”. I must ask this
How many is that number today?
It’s a rhetorical question.
You see we have learned, one cannot understand the 3rd Message if they cannot understand the 1st two messages.
It’s the same with the 4th Angel’s Message. You can’t be knowing it of or being involved with it is you don’t understand the 1st three
Even more than that, they are to be understood in the manner God wants them to be understood, not mone or man’s understanding.
And the only way you can really understand them in true context is by reading Thoughts on Daniel & The Revelation by Uriah Smith 1897
edition, in connection also with:
Stephen Haskell’s Books:
The Story of Daniel
The Seer of Patmos
These two authors are the authority of the Historic Adventist Message.
I will add Jones & Waggoner to those two names as well. Any man — minister or lay person who has not studied these books is not after
God’s order.
And anyone claiming to be SDA should be studying them too.
The message of warning in the 3rd Angels Message is just a small part of the message God has designed to be given to us.
In fact the purpose of the 1888 MESSAGES — brought by the throne of God to AT JONES & EJ WAGGONER — confirmed by Ellen White,
was to open up more widely with a greater understanding of the 3rd Angels Message.
Can I ask you another rhetorical question?
If you study the confirmation of anything, like what Mrs White wrote about the truth Jones & Waggoner wrote, is this the studying of the
NO !!! It is not !!!
There are people standing in the pulpit and saying all you need to do is study Ellen White and you will know Present Truth.
So, how can you know what the 1888 message says if you only read what Ellen White wrote about it?
You can’t know the 1888 message if that is the case.
Mrs White wrote that:
EJ Waggoner & AT Jones were the ones chosen by God to bring the message to the church.
Listen to what Ellen White says:
{15MR 92.2}
The message given us by A.T. Jones, and E.J. Waggoner is the message of God to the Laodicean church, and woe be unto anyone who
professes to believe the truth and yet does not reflect to others the God-given rays. {15MR 92.2}
How do you go with that statement in relation to yourself? Do you measue up?
If you’re thinking of arguing with me, don’t bother, it’s not me saying it.
God is the one who told them go ahead and give the message they delivered. If all you do is read a confirmation from EG White and think
you know the 1888 message. That’s absurd!!!
So, until you have read it what these men had to say, how can you say you know it. And how will you link it to the 4th Angel’s Message. Well,
I can answer that for you. YOU WON’T, it is as simple as that.
The reason for the 1888 message was to build upon the 1844 Millerite message what they had discovered since.
They weren’t coming to it by themselves until God inspired Jones & Waggoner.
Prior to 1888 the message was Christless to a point. It was a cold hard keep the commandments message.
The 1888 message was to bring Christ to where He should be in our lives and in the church. Guess what — He is still knocking I’m afraid.
Christ will never enter if we don’t accept the 1888 message, that’s plain and simple. Until we are fully conversant with that message in our
church and in our lives, God is never going to come in until we have it the way God gave it and wants us to have it.
Have you noticed the People of God seem to have become professional debaters. They don’t have Christ. They just argue the point.
You see — keeping the commandments and the faith of Jesus, must be found in the life of God’s Community on this earth.
Listen now to what Mrs White says in {12MR 212.3
The theme of greatest importance is the third angel's message, embracing the messages of the first and second angels. All should
understand the truths contained in these messages and demonstrate them in daily life, for this is essential to salvation. We shall have to
study earnestly, prayerfully, in order to understand these grand truths; and our power to learn and comprehend will be taxed to the utmost.
{12MR 212.3}
If the message of Jones & Waggoner was the increasing of the Third Angel’s Message, it would advisable to know what that message is I
would have thought.
The fact of the matter is:
If you think you have it all really easy and know it all. God says no you don’t, you need to learn it the way I want you to learn it. You need to
apply it the way I want you to apply it.
My question to you is:
Are you finding yourself falling short of this admonition or advice God has given?
How prayerfully, how diligently are you studying these truths of these 3 messages?
The ones by Jones & Waggoner especially.
Are we keeping our minds focussed on the work of our High Priest?
For this is the message given in the very 1st Message from the Angel.
How can we think to worship God and give glory to Him if we have not allowed the work of the Everlasting Gospel to bring a desire into our
hearts, into minds and into our lives.
That we desire to hate sin and desire to have it blotted out from our life.
We shall have to study earnestly, prayerfully, in order to understand these grand truths; and our power to learn and comprehend will be
taxed to the utmost. {12MR 212.3}
{EW 277.1} Then I saw another mighty angel commissioned to descend to the earth, to unite his voice with the third angel, and give power
and force to his message. Great power and glory were imparted to the angel, and as he descended, the earth was lightened with his glory.
{EW 277.1}
Revelation 18:1-4 KJV
[1] And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
“after these things” …… What is that referring to?
Revelation Chapter 14: verses 6-13.
Revelation 18:1-4 KJV
[2] And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the
hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
We don’t have time to break this all down right now.
But the habitation of devils, are like the drums that promote sexual desire in the human body, and the beating of the drum is in many of our
SDA Churches today. We’ve not even mentioned the style of music and where they get it from yet.
Do we have a problem? Oh - Yes we do !!!
The Bible says: “the hold of every foul spirit” ……
The use of NLP
Spiritual Formation
Contemplative Prayer
The One Project
Of more recent times – dancing!!!
In many of our churches and our institutions — “the hold of every foul spirit”.
“a cage of every unclean and hateful bird”
Bringing Roman Catholic Priests or non-SDA’s to preach on Sabbath.
Ordaining Women
Homosexual Activists
False doctrines abounding
Do we have a problem?
We have an extremely serious problem as a people. We’ve become like ancient Israel when she went a whoring to be like the Nations around
There’s nothing new under the sun, they’re just repeating history.
Revelation 18:1-4 KJV
[3] For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her,
and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
Who are the Kings earth? The Governments and Dictators and richest of men.
Who are the merchants of the earth?
Stores & Rich people
Kmart — BigW — Woolworths — Coles
Bilderberg, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and so on.
What do the stores hold in them?
The rich own the stores with merchandise in them. These merchants are waxed rich.
There is a reason God wanted us to have a publishing work.
Because it costs a lot less to print the book here than to send it somewhere else.
That’s why God is always calling for workers to come and help. The more Workers that come and help, the more that gets done.
How much are you helping?
Revelation 18:1-4 KJV
[4] And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive
not of her plagues.
Anybody know who was this other voice is? It’s not the fourth angel, because it’s another voice, not an angel.
Well — it would probably be God Himself.
This is a call to come out of all the sin and foolishness in your life and get away from that horrible thing. God is say come here and trust me.
Come out so I can give you the 3rd and 4th Angel’s Messages.
Listen to what the prophet says:
You are getting the coming of the Lord too far off. I saw the latter rain was coming as [suddenly as] the midnight cry, and with ten times the
power. {SpM 4.3}
These 4 verses must be intently studied by everyone desiring to receive the seal of God, to be settled into the PRESENT TRUTH that God
has given us, on this DAY OF ATONEMENT.……
Without a Living Saviour dwelling in us, we have no hope of glory. It would not pay to think you do. Without allowing the everlasting Gospel as
a daily experience of purification, to help us hate sin as Jesus hates sin.
There will come every unclean thing this world can throw at us, and it will come into our life to tempt us.
Revelation 18:1-4 KJV
[4] And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive
not of her plagues.
I saw the latter rain was coming as [suddenly as] the midnight cry, AND WITH TEN TIMES THE POWER. {SpM 4.3}
Did you let that sink in?
“WITH TEN TIMES THE POWER” of the Midnight Cry, which was the 1st Angels message.
God has His faithful. Do you want to be with them?
Are your hearts prepared for the 4th Angel’s Message — the LATTER or HIGHER RAIN?
We have concluded with the foundation of what the 4th Angel will be uniting with.
In my next session I will reveal what the 4th Angel brings to this earth. Which unites with the glory of heaven uniting with the 1st Three
Messages, with such power that it will bring on the result with ten times the intensity, that has ever been seen on this earth ever before.
God pleads with each one us to be prepared with a surrendered heart. Study — Search out — help each other to do that.
And as we open up and reveal what the 4th Angel really is, you may say: brother I already knew that.
That means it will be nothing new.
The Holy Spirit wants to teach all of us, not just a few of us.
Without our lives having the mind of our Saviour Jesus Christ …… the 4th Angel’s Message will be of no eternal value.
Can you believe it. To be told and to profess that you understand the 1st three Angels Messages.
When the 4th Angel comes to brighten the whole world, it does nothing for you, NOTHING.
I pray that all of us — will ever be found before the throne of God.
As we close — How many of us can say LORD: I want to be fully committed before you now, and help me LORD that I may be fully
committed and fully surrendered to YOUR will and ready to receive the 4th Angel’s Message …… Amen
Next — The Fourth Angel and Its Work — Part 3
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