There are only six angels mentioned in Revelation 14 - Why not seven as God usually does? The 3 Angels messages are extremely
important, and we know what they mean. And these six angels are part of the 3 Angels Messages, so why not 7 angels?
GOD works with sevens everywhere else in Revelation, yet here in Revelation 14 there was only 6 angels mentioned. Why?
Our minds are drawn to Revelation 18 and it’s importance — and as we study we find this statement in the Spirit of Prophecy regarding
Revelation 18. Listen to what inspiration says:
The prophecies in the eighteenth of Revelation will soon be fulfilled. During the proclamation of the third angel’s message, “another angel”
is to “come down from heaven, having great power" and the earth is to be “lightened with His glory." ……
{2MR 21.3}
…… The Spirit of the Lord will so graciously and universally bless consecrated human instrumentalities, that men, women, and children will
open their lips in praise and testimony, filling the earth with the knowledge of God and with His unsurpassed glory, as the waters cover the
{2MR 21.3}
By this quote from the pen of inspiration we see the Fourth Angel comes down while the Third angel’s Message is being delivered and it is
the angel of Revelation 18. Here we see the missing angel because God always does things in 7’s as it represents perfection ……
Then in {8T 118.1} is recorded this:
As foretold in the eighteenth of Revelation, the third angel's message is to be proclaimed with great power by those who give the final
warning against the beast and his image: "I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened
with his glory. {8T 118.1}
Then it goes on to quote Revelation 18:1-6 word for word …… like this:
Revelation 18:1-6 KJV
[1] And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
[2] And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the
hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
[3] For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her,
and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
[4] And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive
not of her plagues.
[5] For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
[6] Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her
So now we have absolute proof that the Angel of Revelation 18 is the 4th Angel of Revelation 14 …… for it delivers the 3rd Angels
message but now with power and great glory.
This proves that the 3rd Angel’s Message is the final message delivered by the angel of Revelation 18 as it joins in with the 3rd Angel of
Revelation 14. It is past time for the 4th Angel’s message, as understood by our Adventist Pioneers, be put before the people again.
Few Adventists have heard of it because a lot of Adventists don’t even know, properly, what the 3rd Angel’s Message is about.
You can’t understand the 4th Angel’s message if you don’t understand the 3rd Angel’s Message. The same applies to 2nd and 3rd Angel’s
Messages also.
One extremely important fact needs to be recognised that the 4th Angel’s Message is exactly that of the 3rd Angel but delivered by a LOUD
Later we will find out about why a LOUD CRY.
The 4th Angel’s message has been designed to finish the work of God in this sinful world, but most Adventists haven’t the slightest clue to
what the 4th Angel’s message is or that there even is a fourth Angel’s Message.
To understand the 4th Angel’s message we need to have an understanding of Adventist doctrine as preach by the Pioneers and guided by
our guiding Messenger sent to by the Lod Himself.
When we don’t have these things settled in our minds, all we have is man’s traditional thinking and processes. Our Pioneers stood on God’s
“Platform of Truth” as they were guided by sister White.
It is interesting to see how many Adventists reject the Pioneers of our faith because they have been misled about their teachings by false
This is what sister White said about them:
God has graciously spared their lives to repeat and repeat, till the close of their lives, the experience through which they passed, even as did
John the apostle till the very close of his life. And the standard-bearers who have fallen in death are to speak through the re-printing of their
writings. I am instructed that thus their voices are to be heard. They are to bear their testimony as to what constitutes the truth for this time.
{MR760 19.1}
Now we are given Divine inspiration regarding truth:
When the power of God testifies as to what is truth, that truth is to stand FOREVER as the truth. {1SM 161.1}
How long does truth stand for?
So, why do most Adventists ignore or denigrate the Pioneers when inspiration tells us otherwise? After all we were instructed:
They [the pioneers] are to bear their testimony as to what constitutes the truth for this time. {MR760 19.1}
We have seen the pen of inspiration tell us unequivocally that “TRUTH IS ETERNAL”, meaning it cannot change.
When you don’t check what you are told you let the enemy gain the foothold in your mind.
All of God’s truth is interlinked, so that we can get a greater understanding of the PRESENT TRUTH.
We have been blessed with the understanding of “The 4th Angel’s Message”. So why don’t most of know about it? It is important for people
to understand what it truly is — as it is a time when God’s people are being sealed for eternity.
The very sad truth is that most people don’t there is not just 3 Angels Messages but 4 Angels Messages, but the Fourth comes with great
power. There are four Angels holding back the winds of strife …… so why not “4 Angels’ Messages”.
Let’s turn in our Bibles to Revelation 18:1
Revelation 18:1 KJV
[1] And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
This is only the 1st verse of Rev 18 …… so why does it say another angel?
Now notice:
“after these things” ……
What is John saying and meaning by “after these things”. He’s referring to some things that are happening before this, obviously.
Revelation 18 is referring to what?
…… the Mystery of Babylon …… the second announcement of Babylon is fallen.
The first announcement of Babylon is fallen was in Revelation 14:8 and its announcement was while the Frist Angel’s Message in Revelation
14:6-7 was being delivered.
The Announcement of the Second Angel’s Message took place in 1844.
In the chapters before Revelation 18 - we had the seven last plagues.
These were warnings of what you would inherit if you received the “Mark of the Beast”.
In Revelation 14:8 God gave the first warning of Babylon is Fallen. Then God tells us what happens under the second announcement of
Babylon is Fallen.
Prior to the plague chapters we have Revelation 14 …… the 3 Angels Messages.
In other words, John is still on the same subject, he’s not deviating.
Revelation then talks about the Mark of the Beast — and if you receive this MARK what do you get …… ?
Yes …… The 7 last plagues !!!
But in Revelation 18 a message is to be delivered and with a LOUD CRY!!! There is no point to this LOUD CRY if a result cannot be achieved.
The last three angels of Rev 14 have a warning and punishment sounded out if you ignore them.
Then John says “after these things” …… here’s this message …… Come out of Babylon again …… Last Call people!!!
Now then — John says:
I saw another angel …… John wouldn’t say “another angel” if there weren’t previous angels, would he?
What’s this Angel do?
“comes down …… from where? …… from heaven.
Notice what the prophet of the LORD says on this matter:
Then I saw another mighty angel commissioned to descend to the earth, TO UNITE HIS VOICE WITH THE THIRD ANGEL, and give power and
force to his message. {EW 277.1}
Whose voice does this angel join forces with?
…… The THIRD ANGEL …… of Revelation14.
Now if it is not the same message it would be a babble not a message.
But notice his voice is united with the third angel.
So, here the 4th Angel’s Message joining with the 3rd Angel’s message …… or they would not be united.
And we’ll finish this off this quote:
…… and give power and force to his message. Great power and glory were imparted to the angel, and as he descended, the earth was
lightened with his glory. {EW 277.1}
Great POWER and GLORY were given to the Angel and this caused the Earth to be lightened with his Glory.
Now there are several key points we need to understand about this 4th Angel. Especially with the writings of Ellen White and Early Writings
page 277 …… the quote we just read:
This 4th Angel, mighty from heaven …… commissioned by GOD HIMSELF to descend to the earth …… what’s his 1st job?
His 1st order of business is:
This what we have to CLEARLY understand. Ellen White does not mix or mince words. God does not mix or mince words either.
So now we are clear on the matter that the 4th Angel is to unite with the 3rd Angel.
This leads us to several points right now.
I suggest you mark these and know what they are and don’t lose them …… study them!!!
What do the Three Angels of Rev 14 have?
Three Messages:
This is our basic beliefs.
The 3 Angel’s Messages.
It is Basic Adventist Truth. You won’t get from any where else.
Angels are messengers!!!
Now the 4th Angel has a message, and it’s commissioned from Heaven.
We have:
Message 1 …… Rev 14:6-7
Message 2 …… Rev 14:8
Message 3 …… Rev 14:9-13
And now Message 4 … Rev 18:1-6.
And this 4th Message UNITES with the 3rd Angels Message.
This 4th Angel’s Message unites to give power & force to the 1st 3 messages!!! This helps us to understand EXACTLY what the 4th
MESSAGE is and what it is not.
Over this presentation, and the next 2 presentations — we will be examining EXACTLY what the 4th Angel’s message is and what it is not.
There are countless suppositions as to what the 4th Angel’s message is, so we need to have a very clear understanding of what it really is.
It is not only clear but very DISTINCT what the message actually is.
When we are not listening to the Spirit of Prophecy …… but to suppositions …… we will always come relying human interpretation &
reliance …… not God’s.
Now get this:
There are those who claim the 4th Angel is the Observance of the Feast Days.
Wow!!! They mustn’t read and understand the Bible or Sister White.
Heaven knows where they get that from …… but this what they believe.
Everything we have read does not in anyway lead us that way at all.
They will tell that unless you keep the feast days, which is the 4th Angels Message, you cannot be saved!!!
This is diabolical, Satanic error …… make no mistake about it.
There is a reason for this, and I don’t say this lightly. It cannot be the feast days — they were of a TYPE and not the ANTI-TYPE.
ANTI-TYPE …… means what was practiced on earth now happens in heaven …… not on earth!!!
A TYPE practiced in the Mosaic covenant is not, and cannot be anything that can enhance the 3 Angels Messages …… at any time. It
always points the ANTI-TYPE which now takes place in heaven.
This is very clear when we study and know without a shadow of a doubt that the ANTI-TYPICAL DAY OF ATONEMENT began on the 22nd
October, 1844 and goes clear on to the close of probation …… when Jesus comes soon after. It was referring to the Heavenl Sanctuary,
meaning what is going on in heaven.
God has declared that anyone refusing to participate in this service will be cut off.
Meaning to receive the inheritance of the wicked …… eternal death …… you know — eternal extinction.
Whatever is done in the TYPE is always greater in magnitude in the ANTI-TYPE in heaven.
So, to understand we need to go the type to have some understanding of the ANTI-TYPE.
This is what God said about the TYPE in Leviticus 23:
Leviticus 23:27, 29
[27] Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall
afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
Leviticus 23:27, 29
[29] For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people.
Therefore …… to reject the ANTI-TYPICAL DAY OF ATONEMENT in heaven is to reject CHRIST …… our HIGH PRIEST.
What is the work of our HIGH PRIEST, JESUS CHRIST, in heaven??
What’s HE doing right now?
Christ is carrying out an INVESTIGATION into who’s sins can be blotted out and whose sins cannot, and keeping the confessed sins for
blotting out on the final day of ATONEMENT at the close of probation!!!
If you are not co-operating and afflicting your souls you cannot receive the benefit of the Priesthood …… which is your sins blotted out!!! If
your sins are not blotted out — you will not be going to heaven.
That’s NOT what I made up …… that’s what God said HE requires.
Anything that we accept that lessens that important aspect of the administration of Christ …… must be acknowledged as error …… and
Furthermore, the very feast they celebrate now was always celebrated after the DAY of ATONEMENT as a celebration feast.
Has the ATONEMENT finished yet ??? So, should we celebrate it before the event is finished?
— NO – of course not. It will not be finished until the close of probation.
Then we go and celebrate The Feast of Tabernacles in heaven as a victory feast for having overcome sin by the blood of the LAMB. We don’t
celebrate that feast on earth.
You see — we know that Christ’s priesthood is after the order of Melchisedec …… so, to observe any feast day here on earth is to reject
the Melchisedec Priesthood of Christ in Heaven.
To observe a feast day on earth is to do away with Christ as you practice a TYPICAL event instead of waiting for Christ to complete the ANTI-
TYPICAL event in heaven. To demand the observance of feast days is to reject the Melchisedec Priesthood of Christ.
Doing this would bring eternal damnation against all who would presume Salvation.
Leviticus 23:27, 29
For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people.
The sanctuary in heaven is the very centre of Christ's work in behalf of men. It concerns every soul living upon the earth. {GC 488.3}
This quotation is something we should never forget.
The Sanctuary Message as given to us, as God’s People, is the anchor by which we know if our sins can be blotted out on the day of
Nothing should be allowed to lessen this view in our lives …… whether it be mentally, physically and above all, spiritually.
The work of Jesus Christ in heaven as Our High Priest must be the focal point of our mind at all times …… day by day …… moment by
Another error that is even more subtle than keeping the feast days is my next point to focus on.
You see …… truth misapplied …… can be used to make error …… even though in its right context is still truth.
That’s why it is so subtle.
Those sermons you here sometimes …… that have so much disjointed truth are sometimes worse than anything else.
They jump from one topic to another …… each quote is true in itself …… but when placed in the wrong place, it either misleads or
Notice this:
There are many so called SDA’s are declaring that the true 1888 message is the 4th Angel.
Guess what??? …… It’s not!!!
It cannot be true, but we must understand why it cannot be true.
Is there anything wrong with the 1888 message of :
Righteousness By His Faith?
That message is as solid as our ROCK !!!
Listen to this:
We know that Brother Jones has been giving the message for this time -- meat in due season for the starving flock of God. Those who do not
allow prejudice to bar the heart against the heaven-sent message, cannot but feel the spirit and force of the truth. Brother Jones has borne
the message from church to church and from State to State; and light and freedom and the outpouring of the Spirit of God have attended
the word, as events of a most startling nature in the fulfilment of prophecy show that the great crisis is rapidly approaching. {1888 1122.3}
It is the most powerful part of the Gospel given to the SDA Church. It also included the message from E.J. Waggoner:
Since I made the statement last Sabbath that the view of the covenants as it had been taught by Brother Waggoner was truth, it seems that
great relief has come to many minds. {1888 623.4}
But to make the 1888 message the fourth Angel, not only delays its application, it perverts it too …… YES …… misapplies it as well.
But worst of all it ignores the real 4th Angel’s Message.
Notice this:
Written by Ellen White in in 1890:
When was the 1888 message given ??? …… 1888 …… This is 1890.
So, notice what she is saying about the 1888 message in 1890:
Several have written to me, inquiring if the message of justification by faith is the third angel's message, and I have answered, “It is the third
angel's message, in verity.” — The Review and Herald, April 1, 1890. {1SM 372.2}
An important part of the message of JONES & WAGGONER was that you did not have to work your way to heaven …… but that it was a
paid experience as a gift to the repentant sinner.
The faith of Jesus in us is the hope of GLORY.
When asked about justification by faith being the third angel's message She says:
Several have written to me, inquiring if the message of justification by faith is the third angel's message, and I have answered, "IT IS THE
THIRD ANGEL'S MESSAGE IN VERITY." {RH, April 1, 1890 par. 8}
What does verity mean? …… IN TRUTH !!!
So how does error come to people like this?
Well, most SDA’s today are not preaching or teaching the 3rd Angel’s Messages at all, or if they do preach it, they only preach about the
The Pope this …… The Pope that …… the Pope this …… the Pope that.
And if you accept this and do that, you’re going to get the plagues …… this is all true.
But the 3rd Angels Message is more than that.
It has more to do with a positive aspect when you go to Rev 14:12.
Revelation 14:12 KJV
[12] Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
This cannot be the fourth Angel …… Why?
Because it is the 3rd Angel’s Message …… Notice the 4th Angel Unites with this Angel …… and at this stage it has not yet united.
The prophet declares:
"And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory."
Brightness, glory, and power are to be connected with the third angel's message, and conviction will follow wherever it is preached in
demonstration of the Spirit. {RH, April 1, 1890 par. 8}
She continues as she asks ……
How will any of our brethren know when this light shall come to the people of God? {RH, April 1, 1890 par. 8}
Which Angel is she talking about when asks this Question?
Without a doubt, it is the 4th Angel …… None other.
And she asks the Question:
“How will any of our brethren know?”
In the very next sentence she gives the answer:
As yet, we certainly have not seen the light that answers to this description. God has light for his people, and all who will accept it will see the
sinfulness of remaining in a lukewarm condition; …… {RH, April 1, 1890 par. 8}
The message of the 4th Angel ramps up the 1st 2nd & 3rd Angels Message, until the Luke warmness is shaken completely out of you, or it
will damn you -- they’ll be your two choices.
They will heed the counsel of the True Witness when he says:
“Be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to
him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” {RH, April 1, 1890 par. 8}
For any man or woman who opens the door …… what happens?
Jesus will come in to him, and will sup with him and he with HIM ……
Take note of this quotation because in later parts of these presentations we will come back to this quotation.
This 4th Angel’s message brings light to God’s people and …… what does she say?
…… “it’s not been seen yet”.
Here is an important statement:
The work of the 4th Angel will never have power & strength …… if you do not accept the 1st Three Angels Messages.
It will not happen without accepting the first three angels’ messages.
It seems as though when she says:
“we certainly have not seen the light that answers to this description” ……
It seems like there must be more light to be gained when the 4th Angel’s message comes.
We’ve already seen that this 4th angel is going to unite with the 3rd Angel …… but then the light “we certainly have not seen”, comes. It
will interesting to see how the Fourth Angel turns the first three Angels Messages into a LOUD CRY!!!
Get ready for it …… if you are lukewarm you’ll not be in a condition to receive it …… you won’t be ready to “heed the counsel of the
True Witness” …… how do you know what you are reading in this message is not part of your preparation”.
Also, this light will bring a distinct knowledge to the heart that the “lukewarm condition” is not acceptable to God our FATHER.
Since the 1930’s it has been the official stance of the SDA conference and ministers that we are the LUKEWARM Church and because we are
Laodicea we a going to heaven …… I am sick tired of hearing this hearsay.
Can you see a similarity between “SINNING TILL JESUS COMES” and the “LUKEWARM CHURCH GOING TO HEAVEN”. They kind mean the
same thing do they not?
You see if you preach & teach “SINNING TILL JESUS COMES” you are left with no choice but to teach the “LUKEWARM CHURCH IS GOING TO
Don’t worry they tell you …… “we’ll be sinning until Jesus comes”. We’re the lukewarm church we’re going through.
That’s the common teaching I’m afraid. And its contrary to scripture.
You see this quote:
God has light for his people, and all who will accept it will see the sinfulness of remaining in a lukewarm condition; they will heed the counsel
of the True Witness when he says, "Be zealous therefore, and repent ... {RH, April 1, 1890 par. 8}
We just saw the quote that tells us the 4th Angel shows - “the sinfulness of remaining in a lukewarm condition” …… That doesn’t equate
with staying lukewarm and sinning until Jesus comes.
How much clearer can this message be???
How much clearer do we need it to be to show us we need to get out of our sinful lukewarm condition?
God’s true & faithful “will heed the counsel”… and allow Christ to be in them UNRESERVEDLY!!!
Apostasy is growing to a level that is so great …… that this message I am giving here would be rejected when most heard it.
You can believe in error with a strong sincerity, in other words you can be sincerely wrong — but it will NOT get you into heaven.
Faith in a lie will not have a sanctifying influence upon the life or character. No error is truth, or can be made truth by repetition, or by faith
in it. Sincerity will never save a soul from the consequences of believing an error. Without sincerity there is no true religion, but sincerity in a
false religion will never save a man. I may be perfectly sincere in following a wrong road, but that will not make it the right road, or bring me
to the place I wished to reach. The Lord does not want us to have a blind credulity, and call that the faith that sanctifies. The truth is the
principle that sanctifies, and therefore it becomes us to know what is truth. — Letter 12, 1890. {2SM 56.1}
We have been given clear instruction on what we are to believe.
Until we are individually and collectively prepared to return to the true foundation — the TRUE PLATFORM That God gave us to believe
through Inspiration, we will be cursed.
Hear what Ellen White says:
Spiritual poison is sugar-coated with the doctrine of sanctification, and administered to the people. Thousands eagerly swallow it, feeling that
if they are only honest in their belief they will be safe. BUT SINCERITY WILL NOT CONVERT ERROR TO TRUTH. A man may swallow poison,
thinking it is food; but his sincerity will not save him from the effects of the dose. {Faith & Works 32.3}
How much clearer do you want this to be?
BUT SINCERITY WILL NOT CONVERT ERROR TO TRUTH. A man may swallow poison, thinking it is food; but his sincerity will not save him from
the effects of the dose. {Faith & Works 32.3}
My responsibility as Police Officer in Charge of the PCYC at the time was to do exactly what they asked for. The teenage boys wanted to form
a cricket team.
So, I set about and with a lot of effort and got enough teenage boys together to make a team.
All I knew about cricket is what I had watched on TV.
I didn’t know how to coach cricket but I’d have a go to keep the boys off the street and out of mischief. Only on our 2nd training Session at
a net that I did not know belonged to a Cricket Coach …… this coach came up behind me and asked?
What do you think you are doing?
I replied:
Taking the boys for cricket practice …… obviously he had been watching me and then said:
“Do you know what you are doing”.
I replied:
No, but I brought the boys are here to practice and practice makes perfect!”
I thought, that’ll shut him up.
He replied back:
Did you know you can practice something perfectly badly?
No, I said.
He continued saying:
“Only Perfect practice makes perfect …… what you are teaching these boys is perfectly bad.”
Well I had a good answer for him — I said:
“Well since you know how bad I am then you must be that good — you better take them for me.”
He did …… and the boys won the Grand Final that first year of play. What a coach this guy was.
You and the LORD’s work and Bible teaching is much like this situation.
You can either teach something perfectly badly or perfectly good, it is up to you.
Think about this for a moment:
If, back in the 1930’s 40’s & 50’s we picked up some error and now we teach it as truth …… what do think will be the result?
We will have learned to teach something perfectly badly …… all because — we were taught perfectly badly. This why I emphasise learning
from the Bible, The Spirit of Prophecy and The Pioneers.
I must emphasise …… The Pioneers as their were some things Ellen White never wrote on, but she said certain men were inspired by God
and they wrote truth.
Just one example of changes to our Religion and Doctrines, which most of you will be aware is that of Leroy Edwin (LE) Froom & Desmond
L.E. Froom’s grave is in the Freemasons Section of the Cemetery.
Desmond Ford, while getting his PHD in the USA made friends with LE Froom …… and was taught by Cottrell and Were. They maintained
contact and friendship until Froom’s death.
The large majority of SDA’s don’t realise that some of the doctrinal beliefs they have been taught are error …… and actually believe the
error to be truth.
I don’t have time to go into which ones at the moment. I’ll just mention one …… the Papacy is not the KING OF THE NORTH.
Just by changing this one doctrinal belief it then changed the meaning and explanation to the close of probation, the 6th plague,
Armageddon and others …… it even had them take away the much loved “Eastern Question” which is linked to those doctrines.
The King of the North is linked to the timing of the close of Probation and a literal interpretation of the Battle of Armageddon, and they are
inseparably linked together in prophecy.
We have to get back to original Adventism, not any version of the past, but true Adventism.
The true Adventism brought to you by our inspired PIONEERS who were with Sister White as she corrected them.
Look here at what Luke says:
Luke 18:8 KJV
[8] I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
We profess and claim a lot of things.
We say:
We can do this …… We can do that …… we’ll show them all the things we claim we can do …… We can do this …… We can do that.
But when it comes right down to it … do we really have the faith to do it?
In Jeremiah God promises His people … and they went from generation to generation.
Jeremiah 17:5 KJV
[5] Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
What did the LORD say next in verse 6:
Jeremiah 17:6 KJV
[6] …… and shall not see when good cometh; ……
When the 4th Angel Unites with the first 3 angels, and especially the 3rd Angel, because the 3rd houses and comprises the 1st two Angels.
When we see the 4th Angel unite … and it is very soon … you will have the majority of Adventists turn on you for preaching the Fourth
Angel’s message.
Even worse …… they’ll condemn you for it …… if things don’t change.
Aren’t some already getting persecution for standing on truth …… when good comes they that persecute and will not see.
Many Adventists are so wrapped up in this worlds cares they don’t study for themselves.
Many hear something that they think is good from a person who has a degree or 2 and think that’s the answer.
As we continue the study of the 4th Angel we know it is not the observance of the FEAST DAYS.
Neither is it the 1888 message.
One destroys Jesus as our High Priest and the other is already part of the 3rd ANGEL’s message.
We have a great danger in studying truth these days. Everyone wants everything handed to them in nice neat packages. I can hear them
saying as it’s been quoted to me:
Ellen White doesn’t say anything about not doing it - so it must be alright.
Ellen White doesn’t write about an awful lot of different things.
But many of the Pioneers do though.
When it comes to the 4th Angel she hasn’t been told who he is, but we know from things she does say, this 4th Angel has something to
reveal to us.
Are you ready for that????
Ellen White says we don’t have the light on the 4th Angels Message. She’s say we don’t know who this Angel is.
There is probably a very good reason for that. In Part 2 of this 4th Angel’s Message, I will reveal that to you. So, I will let you work on it until
I present part 2.
I want you study about this 4th angel and when I reveal to you the 4th Angel …… you’ll say, “yes brother the Holy Spirit taught me that
Many people say:
I like to listen to so & so …… because he very meticulous about things he says.
Well that person might as well say:
I can’t be bothered looking ‘cause he looked … doesn’t that bother you???
GOD wants us to study for ourselves doesn’t HE???
Study it out for yourself, please!!!
We must assimilate for ourselves, what is PRESENT TRUTH.
We must not desire to become spoon-fed baby Christians. In other words, like Catholics, because this will keep us from becoming the true
BEREANS we should be, and God desires us to be.
Just remember it was the BEREANS that did not need any council from Paul about the Gospel …… WHY?
Acts 17:11 KJV
[11] These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the
scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Notice next what inspiration has written about the Bereans. Believe you me, this should be able to be said about each and every one of us.
Sketches from the Life of Paul page 88.1
The minds of the Bereans were not narrowed by prejudice, and they were willing to investigate and receive the truths preached by the
apostles. {LP 88.1}
I challenge you to ask Adventists and Non-Adventists …… Do they study and deal with the Bible as did the Bereans …… free of
prejudice …… willing to investigate and receive the truths.
Prejudice is a big problem with all of us …… we must be ever careful. Remember …… the Bereans were not narrowed by prejudice
Notice what Mrs White quoted in Life of Paul page 88:
If the people of our time would follow the example of the noble Bereans, in searching the Scriptures daily, and in comparing the messages
brought to them with what is there recorded, there would be thousands loyal to God's law where there is one today.
{LP 88.1}
What did she say about there being a Berean today?
If we would follow the example of the Bereans, what did she say would happen???
She said …… “there would be thousands loyal to God's law where there is one today”.
This tells me something has gone drastically wrong.
Over last few years … tell me have you studied out everything for yourself?
Have you been a Berean or a Laodicean???
Let us dig deep and follow the Bereans!!!
The Third Angel's Message is to be given with power. The power of the proclamation of the First and Second Messages is to be intensified in
the THIRD. {6T 60.1}
The Spirit of the Lord will so graciously bless consecrated human instrumentalities that men, women, and children will open their lips in
praise and thanksgiving, filling the earth with the knowledge of God, and with His unsurpassed glory, as the waters cover the sea. {PM
It is important to understand that our Inspiration says:
“… the first and second messages are to be intensified in the third angel’s message” ...
Therefore, we must find out how “the first and second messages” intensifies in the third!!!
Let’s look at some key points are in the 1st Angel’s Message:
Revelation 14:6 KJV
[6] And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to
every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
Revelation 14:7 KJV
[7] Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and
earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
1. We must have God’s Gospel as given by Him, and not man’s viewpoints.
2. God’s Gospel is for the WHOLE world. It’s not just for Adventists!!! The whole world gets it when Revelation 18 comes. The first Angel’s
message is to go to the whole world, and that is to intensify under the Third Angel’s Message.
3. GOD’s JUDGMENT HOUR IS COME!!! We know that God’s JUDGMENT HOUR IS COME because of the 1844 message of Daniel 8:14.
Question is …… Are you in Contempt of Court? Because if you are in Contempt of Heaven’s Court …… you have a very serious
accusation against you.
When we worship our creator we know we are worshipping Our Redeemer, Creator and Redeemer. The One who can Redeem us, restore us
and transform us …… out of a life of sin.
The 1st Angel’s Message in its purity from God is a Declaration of the opening of the Great Anti-Typical Day of Atonement.
That means Judgment is going up in the Heavenly Courts right at this moment, and has been since 22nd October, 1844.
The greatest power that comes to us as a message is not only the forgiveness of sin but the blotting out of sin.
It is not blotted for a few moments …… but it’s blotted for all eternity.
In the Revelation John says of the heavenly messenger who unites with the third angel:
Revelation 18:1-2 KJV
[1] “I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily
with a strong voice.”
John has shown here the FOURTH ANGEL ……
This a message sent by God from His throne …… to bring and even greater intensity to the 3rd Angel’s Message.
Right here are is the crux of the whole of today …… right here!!!
The 4th Angel — coming with great power enlightening the whole world will not have anything contradicting and countermanding that which
God has already given us.
This message is from God’s Throne …… and He never contradicts Himself. It will not lessen in one iota what has already been given to us.
The 1888 message will be intensified to an even greater level than before.
The Keeping of God’s Law will be intensified even greater than before. The pronouncing of “Babylon has Fallen” will be intensified greater
than it was in 1844.
All truths we have now under the 1888 message will be intensified under the 4th Angel.
Listen now as we continue in the same quotation:
We are in danger of giving the third angel's message in so indefinite a manner that it does not impress the people. So many other interests
are brought in that the very message which should be proclaimed with power becomes tame and voiceless. {6T 60.1}
WOW!!! - Is that not fulfilled for today?
The power of present truth designed by God — our Heavenly father is largely being rejected …… and in many cases has not been heard
of or learned. The question you need to ask yourselves is:
Are we allowing the things of this life to keep us voiceless?
Seek the Lord and ask Him to stop you from wasting precious time and ask Him to teach you to how to overcome this dreadful sin of
procrastination, and excuse making. Pray that God teaches your weaknesses and how to overcome them.
Pray God will teach you how to do all these things!!!
Pray He will make you put Jesus first …… no matter the cost?
If you don’t you may not make it.
Email us at: admin@thebiblesays.net
The Bible Says