The Bible reveals two classes of people: those who will enter heaven and those who will not. We are told that our own identity is determined
by our own decision. “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And
whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Revelation 22:17 Jesus invites us to give ourselves to Him, that He may work His will in
us. It remains for us to choose whether we will be set free from the bondage of sin, to share the glorious liberty of the sons of God.
1. How much must we give up to be Jesus’ disciples? Luke 14:33
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
In considering the foregoing, do you feel that maybe that’s asking too much to give everything up for Christ? When considering, ask yourself
the question, ‘What has Christ given for me?’ If you give an honest answer, it will be that Christ, the Son of God, gave everything - His life; His
love; all of heaven - for your redemption. Now ask yourself, ‘just what is it that I am giving up for His sake, when I give all?’ Once again, the
honest answer will be: a sin-polluted heart, i.e., a corrupted mind, which is given up to Jesus to purify, to cleanse by His own blood, restore to
His image, and to save by His matchless love. God does not require us to give up anything that is in our best spiritual interest to retain. In all
that He does, He has the well-being of His children in view. Philippians 3:7-8
2. What is Christ’s invitation to us today? John 7:37; Matthew 11:28-30
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
Jesus does not only cleanse from sin and redeem us through His blood; but will satisfy all of the heart’s longings for those who consent to wear
His yoke and to bear His burden. It is His intent to impart peace and rest to all who come to Him for the Bread of Life. He requires us to
perform only those duties that will lead us to heights of bliss to which the disobedient can never attain. > Isaiah 12:3; 55:1; John 6:35; Isaiah
3. What ability have we to change ourselves from evil to good? Jeremiah 13:23
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
Proverbs 20:9
4. Then how only can we be transformed into children of God? Ezekiel 36:26-27
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You cannot change your heart and you cannot, of yourself, give your affections to God that arise from the heart; but you CAN choose to serve
Him. You CAN give Him your will. By so doing, you allow Him to work in you His will and to do His good pleasure. In so doing, on a day to day
and moment by moment basis, your whole nature will be brought under the control of the Spirit of Christ. Your affections will be centered on
Him and your thoughts will be in harmony with Him. Jeremiah 31:31-33; Hebrews 8:8-10; 10:16
When, as erring, sinful beings, we come to Christ and become partakers of His pardoning grace, love, real love, springs up in the heart. Every
burden is then light; for the yoke of Christ is easy. Duty becomes a delight instead of a chore, and sacrifice becomes a pleasure. The path that
before seemed covered in darkness is now bright with rays of light emanating from the Sun of Righteousness, Jesus Christ.
Consecrate yourself to God in the morning. Make this the first thing you do. Let your prayer be, ‘Take me Lord, make me wholly thine. I lay all
my plans for today at thy feet. Use me today in Your service. Abide with me, keep me in Thee so that all that I do is wrought in Thee.’ This is a
daily matter. Each morning make this your habit. Surrender all of you and all of your plans to Him so that whatever you carry out or do not
carry out is guided by His providence alone. Thus, day by day, more of you is surrendered into the hands of God and your character will
become more and more molded after the mind of Christ.
5. To whom should we look for an example in living the Christian life? Hebrews 12:1-2
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
1Peter 2:21
6. Are we safe in looking to other human beings to guide us aright? Jeremiah 17:5
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
Psalm 118:8; 146:3-5; Jeremiah 17:7;
7. What does God see that humans cannot? 1Samuel 16:7
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A man may appear to human eyes to be a consecrated Christian, but only God reads the soul. Hebrews 4:13; Jeremiah 17:10
8. Will there be some who claim Christianity, but have not experienced true conversion? Matthew 7:21-23
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Claiming to be a Christian does not make you one. Many people think that because they have made a profession of faith that there is no need
for anything else.
James 2 makes it clear that faith that is not accompanied by appropriate works is dead; is no faith at all. The works are works that are directed
by the Spirit of God and include showing love for our neighbors and God in keeping His commandments. Anyone willfully breaking God’s law:
e.g., the Sabbath, on a consistent basis, who ignore or reject the truth out of hand, is not converted. Matthew 25:1-12
9. When may we expect these false disciples to be separated from the true? Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
Matthew 25:31-42
The world has no right to doubt the truth or veracity of Christianity just because there are false disciples in the church. Nor should Christians
become disheartened because of these false brethren. Let’s take a look for an example in the early church. Ananias and Sapphira joined
themselves to the disciples who lied to the Holy Ghost and were slain by Him for so doing (Acts 5:1-11). Simon Magus was baptized and later
tried to buy the Holy Ghost and power (Acts 8:9-24). Demas was at one time counted a believer and who served Paul for a time before
deserting him and being counted with the enemy (2Timothy 4:10). Judas Iscariot was numbered with the apostles until he betrayed Jesus
(Mark 14:10). The Redeemer does not want to lose one soul. His experience with Judas is recorded to show His long patience with perverse
human nature; and He bids us to bear with it as He has so done.
10. How does Paul say we become transformed into the image of the Lord? 2Corinthians 3:18
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
1Corinthians 13:12
We cannot but look forward to what new perplexities and difficulties may be coming to us as the conflict we are in comes to its end, but we may
look on what is past as well as what is to come and say, ‘Hitherto has the Lord helped us.’ (1Samuel 7:12) And, ‘As thy days, so shall thy
strength be.’ (Deuteronomy 33:25) Any trial we are allowed to face will never exceed the strength we are given to bear it. Then let us take up
whatever our work may be wherever it may be, believing and knowing that whatever may come, God will provide whatever we need
proportionate to the trial we face.
And by and by, the gates of heaven will be thrown open to admit God’s children, and from the lips of the King of Glory, the benediction will
fall on their ears, ‘Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.’ (Matthew 25:34)
With us this day, we ask you to make this commitment: I choose to give Jesus my will, my life, my plans for the future, everything I am - just
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The Bible Says
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