INTRODUCTION: The Christian life is not one of idleness or complacency. It is not one where we have time on our hands and become the devil’s playground. Rather, God has given to each of us a purpose and mission we are to fulfill while still on this earth. We are going to study that purpose and mission in this lesson. 1. After Jesus had finished His work on earth, what plan did He have for carrying this work forward? John 17:18 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Matthew 16:24 2. Jesus came to save sinners. How did He do this? John 17:3-4 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ John 14:6-10 3. Jesus’ first work was to reveal His Father’s character. This is to be our first work. What character traits (“fruit”) are we to develop? Galatians 5:22-23 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: The world will only be convinced that God sent His Son as the Redeemer when the power of His grace is manifested in the transformed character of the believer. No other influence that can surround and empower the human soul as the influence of an unselfish life as demonstrated by Jesus and reflected in us. Acts 20:24; Philippians 2:1-5 4. What character fruits did Peter say we should develop? 2Peter 1:5-11 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Colossians 1:10 5. Are all of these “fruits” developed at once? Ephesians 2:19-22 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 1Peter 2:5 6. What will God do to those who do not bear this fruit? What will He do to those who do? John 15:1, 2 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: The strongest argument in favor of the Gospel is a loving and lovable Christian. To live such a life has a price at every step of the way, every effort made. It will require much self-sacrifice and discipline. Many become discouraged along the way because they do not understand this. They pray for the character of Christ, yet, when God tries to prune them through the tests and trials He allows by placing them in circumstances that either call forth the evil of their nature, or draw forth a cry of help for the Lord to overcome for them, far too often the former and not the latter takes place. God permits the fires of affliction to purify our characters. James 1:2-4 7. What connection must be maintained if one is to bear fruit to God’s glory? John 15:4-8 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: Through daily: (1) study of the Bible; (2) prayer; (3) keeping God in our thoughts; and (4) praising God even in the midst of trials. John 6:56, 63; 17:17-19; 1Thessaloinas 5:16-18; 1Peter 1:6, 7; James 1:2-4; Philippians 4:6-8 8. Beyond setting the example of a good life, Jesus sought opportunities to tell others about salvation. What was His final commission to His disciples? Matthew 28:18-20 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Mark 16:15-16; Isaiah 43:10 9. What will Jesus do for us if we share our faith? Matthew 10:32-33 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Ezekiel 33:8-9 10. Is it possible to have a “neutral” influence for Jesus? Matthew 12:30 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Matthew 6:24 11. Who did Jesus promise to send to give power to our witness? Acts 1:8 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ John 14:12; 16-18 12. After Christ’s ascension, what condition among the disciples made it possible for God to give them the Holy Spirit? Acts 2:1 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Acts 4:32-35; Ephesians 4:3 13. What results were produced by the Holy Spirit’s influence? Acts 2:37-41 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Acts 4:4; 5:14; 6:7 14. The Spirit works to convict and convert everyone, but after conversion He gives various gifts for witnessing. How many receive these gifts from the Spirit, and are the gifts the same? 1Corinthians 12:4-7 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 15. Who decides what gifts a person receives? 1Corinthians 12:11, 18 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Ephesians 4:11-13 16. What gifts does Paul list in his letter to the Romans, and how should they be used? Romans 12:4-12 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: We might call some of these gifts “natural talents,” but even natural talents have been entrusted to us to be used for God and when the Holy Spirit takes control of these talents they become effective for winning souls to Jesus. 1Corinthians 12:7-10 Consider what abilities or talents you may have that the Holy Spirit could use to win souls. Anything is a possibility including things like: making telephone calls for Christ, visitation, giving these same Bible studies to someone else, encouraging the discouraged, hospitality, giving out literature, sharing your testimony, writing letters that witness, intercessory prayer, musical abilities, inviting and/or bringing others to church, financially supporting God’s work, gospel medical missionary abilities, etc. Any and all of these and more are available and if put at the Holy Spirit’s disposal can be used to save many. Will you commit yourself to allowing God to use you today to build His kingdom for eternity? MY RESPONSE TO CHRIST IS: YES UNDECIDED Email us at: admin@thebiblesays.net
The Bible Says
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