INTRODUCTION: Among the sins of Noah’s day that led God to destroy the world was the universal flouting of God’s standards for marriage, sexual relations, and the home. “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.” Luke 17:26 Today, we are seeing that fulfilled in marriages that don’t last, sexual relationships without marriage, rampant homosexuality now demanding the right to marry, etc. In this lesson, we will study about God’s plan for marriage and the home. 1. With what were the antediluvians [people before the flood] obsessed? Matthew 24:37-39 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: There is no sin in eating or drinking; or in marrying and giving in marriage in and of themselves. If those things which are considered to be lawful are properly treated, and not carried into sinful excess, then there is no sin. But in the days of Noah, men, women, and virtually everything in between were getting “married”, but wholly apart from God. Oftimes they became excessive in display, extravagance and indulgence. It is the same today and getting progressively worse. 1Corinthians 7:29-31; Luke 17:26-30 2. Who established the institution of marriage? Genesis 2:21-24 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Matthew 19:4-6 3. Are religious orders made more holy by celibacy? Hebrews 13:4a THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: This does not mean that some are not called to be celibate. Paul makes it clear in 1Corinthians 7:7-9 that some may be called to minister while staying unmarried, but it is not a requirement as in some religions.) > 1Timothy 4:1-3 4. While marriage is honorable, what does the Bible call those who engage in sex outside of marriage?” Isaiah 3:13, 16, 18-24 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: “Fornicators” (KJV - “whoremongers”) is from the Greek word “pornos” from which we get the word “pornography.” This verse warns against all sexual relations outside of marriage. 1Corinthians 6:9, 10 5. On what basis did the antediluvians choose marriage partners? Genesis 6:1-2 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: The descendants of Seth are called sons of God and are representative of what was once the righteous or converted family 1John 3:1. The sons of Cain were the opposite. This did not result in the conversion of the wicked, but rather the complete apostasy of the sons of God resulting in total world depravity without morals. Genesis 24:1-3; 28:1; Genesis 26:34-35 6. What counsel does God give about marriage between a believer and an unbeliever? 2Corinthians 6:14-18 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Deuteronomy 7:1-4 7. Should one already married to an unbeliever be divorced? 1Corinthians 7:13 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 1Peter 3:1 8. Christ set forth only one legitimate reason for divorce, What was it, and why was it so? Matthew 19:5-9 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: The Bible does not require even in this situation, for the innocent party to divorce the guilty one. In most cases, if one remains sanctified, humble and meek, forgiveness can be granted and trust reestablished. Of course, if one is unrepentant, little choice exists as to what should be done.) > 1Corinthians 7:10-15; 39 9. Marriage is not always ideal (as in the case of Paul) and young people should not be hurried into this sacred relationship. But when entered into in the fear of God, how does marriage help to preserve the purity of society? 1Corinthians 7:1-3 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 2Peter 1:4 10. How important is it that we control our eyes and our thoughts? Matthew 5:27-30 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: The antediluvians gave full rein to evil thoughts (Genesis 6:5) and were without any restraint as to what they thought or did. Doubtless, they enjoyed sensual songs, pictures, and jokes to their own demise and destruction. Colossians 3:5-8 11. How is the spiritual life affected if wives are not honoured and understood? 1Peter 3:7 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 1 John 4:7-8 12. What is God’s ideal for the husband-wife relationship? Ephesians 5:22, 25 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: God took Eve from Adam’s side to be his “helper” (meaning one comparable to him) (Genesis 2:18), not his slave. She was to be submissive to his godly affections and Christian leadership as an equal partner. They were to be “one.” Genesis 2:18, 24 13. What two commandments of the Decalogue deal with the home? Exodus 20:12, 14 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Matthew 19:6-19 14. In what way may parents show true love to their children? Proverbs 13:24 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: Discipline and love must always go together. Eli is an example of one who mistook indulgence for love, and did not discipline his sons. I Samuel 3:13. As a result, they turned out to be bad apples that despised God and cost Eli and his household their lives and the priesthood. 1 Samuel 2:12-17; 22-36; 3:11-14; Ephesians 6:1-4 15. What disposition in children is a sign of the last days? 2Timothy 3:1-2 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Matthew 10:21 16. How does Paul summarize the ideal parent-child relationship? Colossians 3:20-21 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Deuteronomy 6:1-8 Today’s society is like Noah’s. Jesus said, “I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil.” (John 17:15) Will you determine, by God’s help, to be pure in both thought and deed, and to fulfill your Christian duty as a husband, wife, parent, or child? MY RESPONSE TO CHRIST IS: YES UNDECIDED Email us at: admin@thebiblesays.net
The Bible Says
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