God has made us stewards not only of the money and health he has given us, but of our time. Today’s lesson is about this stewardship of
1. What illustration does the Bible use to show the brief nature of our earthly life? James 4:14
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
Isaiah 40:6-8
2. Unless we are saved, we shall live only a short time. Thus, what should be our chief purpose in life? 1Timothy 6:11-12
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
Our major goal in life should be to be saved and to help others be saved. Everything else is secondary. Psalm 37:9-11; 20; 35-38
3. What activities occupied the people before the flood? Were they concerned about their own salvation or the salvation of others? Genesis
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
Matthew 24:37-38
4. After being converted, what use did Paul make of his time on earth? Philippians 3:13-14
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
2Timothy 4:7-8
5. Since most of us have already wasted much of the time allotted to us, as did the antediluvians, what should we do now? Ephesians 5:15-
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
Colossians 4:5
6. What does Jesus say about wasting time in worldly cares and activities in these last days? Luke 21:34-36
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
2Timothy 3:1-4
7. In view of the foregoing, what relationship should we maintain with worldly activities that merely consume our time or, worse yet,
develop a taste for the common and trivial? Ephesians 5:8-11
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
Romans 13:12
8. On what kind of subjects should we focus our time and thoughts? Philippians 4:8
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
The media is the biggest occupier of our time today. However, in general, movies, TV and radio not only consume our time, they lead to sinful,
lustful thoughts, and should be discarded by Christians. Most of them do not even meet Paul’s first requirement - “whatsoever things are true.”
Rather, they are fictitious and should be avoided. 2 Corinthians 3:18
9. How compatible is Christianity with worldly activities and friendships? 2Corinthians 6:14, 17-18, 7:1
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
1John 2:15-17; James 4:4; 5:11-13
10. What is one activity in which we can profitably participate? Matthew 18:20
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
Acts 2:44-47
11. To help us realize that our time belongs to God, He has reserved a special portion of time for Himself. When is that, and what should
we do on it? Isaiah 58:13-14
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
The Sabbath is not to be spent in idleness, but in attending church, visiting the sick, exploring God’s nature, studying the Bible, praying and
enjoying Christian fellowship. Matthew 12:12
12. What Sabbath activity becomes even more important as we near the time for Christ to return? Hebrews 10:24, 28
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
Leviticus 23:3; Luke 4:16
13. What weekday activities are inappropriate during the holy hours of the Sabbath? Nehemiah 13:15-18
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
Buying and selling, engaging in sports, watching television, washing cars, cleaning the house, etc. are our own works. Even our Sabbath meals,
God says, should be prepared as much as possible before the Sabbath begins so that we can spend our time with Him. Exodus 16:23
14. Satan works tirelessly to get us to put off spending time with Jesus. What does Paul warn about this fatal delay? Hebrews 3:12-15
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
Acts 24:25
15. What did Jesus say we must do daily in order to assist ourselves in spending our time wisely? Luke 9:23
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
Matthew 16:24
16. What is another thing we should be engaged in all the time? 1Thessalonians 5:17
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
Luke 18:1
THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________
We are each the product of the way we spend our time. If we spend our time with Jesus we will become more like Him, but if we spend it with
the world and in worldly activities we will become like it. Let us spend the first part of each day with Jesus, and then keep Him with us
throughout the day as we travel, work, play, or socialize. Our sojourn in this world is short. Will you just now vow to please Jesus by being a
faithful steward of your time?
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The Bible Says
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