INTRODUCTION: Some people think their physical health is unrelated to their spiritual experience. However, the Bible reveals that our bodies do not belong to us, but to God. We are His by creation and redemption. Through the Holy Spirit, He desires to dwell in us. We should give glory to God through our use of His gift to us - our bodies. 1. Why did God ask the Israelites to build Him a sanctuary? Exodus 25:8 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: God’s real throne is in the sanctuary in heaven, but He manifested His presence in the earthly sanctuary (temple) so that His people might realize His nearness. Exodus 29:45, 46; Numbers 35:34; 1Kings 6:13; c.f. Ps. 11:4 2. What was one of the first things Jesus did after beginning His earthly ministry? John 2:14-17 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 3. What happened at the end of Jesus’ ministry? Mark 11:15-17 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 4. Because the Jewish leaders and people refused to keep the temple “clean” according to God’s standard, what happened? Luke 13:35 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ Matthew 23:38 5. Does God still have a sacred dwelling place on earth? 1Corinthians 6:19, 20 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 6. When one is truly sanctified, how much of him will be effected? 1Thessalonians 5:23 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 7. Why should the health of the body be preserved? 1Corinthians 3:16 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 8. How should we present our bodies to God? Romans 12:1 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 9. What is our duty concerning our bodies? 1Corinthians 6:20 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 10. In what ways may we glorify God in our bodies? 1Corinthians 10:31 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ Colossians 3:17 11. To what extent is God concerned about our health? 3John 2 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 12. Because that is so, what will God do if we defile or destroy His temple, our bodies? 1Corinthians 3:17 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 13. What example did Daniel set in this matter? Daniel 1:8 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 14. With what food did he ask to be provided as part of a test? Daniel 1:12 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 15. What was the result of the test? Daniel 1: 15-16 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 16. What was Daniel’s diet based on? Genesis 1:29 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: Vegetables were added after Adam and Eve were banished from the garden because of their sin. Genesis 3:18 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 17. When was this diet officially changed? Genesis 9:3 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 18. Did God make any distinction as to flesh? Genesis 7:2 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 19. Did God set any limits on what flesh could be eaten? Leviticus 11:1-23 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 20. What part of an animal was never to be eaten? Genesis 9:4 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ Acts 15:29 21. What other part of an animal was never to be eaten? Leviticus 3:16 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 22. What did God provide for the children of Israel as they made their way to the promised land? Exodus 16:35 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 23. Why did the Lord restrict the Hebrews in their diet? Deuteronomy 14:2, 3 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 24. Who else is referred to as being a holy and peculiar people? 1Peter 2:9, 10 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 25. Besides eating unclean meat, what is another way we can defile the body? Proverbs 20:1 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: In the Bible, the word wine is used for both fermented and unfermented grape juice. If you look at Proverbs 23:29-33, you will find instruction concerning wine where it says, “Do not look on the wine when” it turns “red” and “swirls…smoothly.” These are indicative of the wine being fermented and thus to avoid it at all cost. 26. What does the Bible say about using poisonous substances? Deuteronomy 29:18 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: The marginal reading of this verse in the KJV version reads “poisonous herb.” The word wormwood is equivalent to hemlock in terms of poisonous substances. Any source derived from any substance that is not of nature, regardless of short term benefits, is considered poison from God’s standard and should not be used if at all possible because its use will shorten the life, not extend it, and constitutes an abuse of the body which God forbids. 27. What is another area of intemperance that Solomon warns us about? Proverbs 23:2, 19-21 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: Temperance means balance and in the realm of health, we should avoid anything that is bad altogether, and eat the good, but never to extreme, as that is as unhealthy and intemperate as eating the bad, See, e.g., Proverbs 24:13; 25:16, 27 regarding honey.) 28. Solomon gives us another example of temperance in Proverbs 6:6 compared with Proverbs 23:4. What is it? THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: The ideal diet for man is the original one of fruits, nuts, grains and herbs (vegetables). God designed the human body to operate at peak efficiency using those foods, and those foods only. Any other diet or ingestion of other foods will result in diminished health. He who would be truly healthy and happy will follow God’s original diet. 29. What effect does cheerfulness have upon good health? Proverbs 17:22 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 30. How else does Solomon say a man is benefitted by physical labor? Ecclesiastes 5:12 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 31. What remedy did the Saviour advise for the wearying labor of His disciples? Mark 6:31 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: Rest is as important as exercise. Failure to get proper rest leads to poor health. 32. What advice about purity did Paul give Timothy? 1Timothy 5:22 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 33. To what extent should we keep ourselves pure? 2Corinthians 7:1 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 34. How can we know whose servant we are? Romans 6:16 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 35. With what does Paul class temperance? Galatians 5:22-23 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 36. What counsel is given to those who seek an imperishable crown - eternal life? 1Corinthians 9:25 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 37. What does God promise to those who abide in His covenant? Deuteronomy 7:12, 15 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ One who has brought poor health upon himself through intemperance cannot glorify God as can another whose physical powers are in full strength and consecrated to the divine service. It is, then, a moral duty to live in accordance with the natural laws of health that God has established, including the proper use of pure air, sunlight, temperance, rest, exercise, diet, water and complete trust in divine power. When we submit our whole being to God, He will then use us as his “instruments of righteousness.” Romans 6:13 Will you dedicate your body- temple to God for His service? Will you invite the Holy Spirit to teach you how to preserve your health, preparing you to meet Jesus at His coming? MY RESPONSE TO CHRIST IS: YES UNDECIDED Email us at: admin@thebiblesays.net
The Bible Says
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