God has given various tests by which we may identify the true prophets from the counterfeits. Before we can be safe in accepting anyone’s
claims to divine interpretation, we must find that they meet ALL Biblical tests of a true prophet.
1. Will a true prophet speak on his own authority? Jeremiah 1:6-9, John 7:16, 18
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2. How may we know if a prophet does not speak for God? Deuteronomy 18:21-22
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When God speaks through a person, there is no percentage of accuracy. God does not mix truth with error. What is spoken by a true prophet
will be 100% accurate.
3. If what a prophet predicts does come to pass, does that definitely prove that he is inspired of God? Deuteronomy 13:1-3
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While false predictions conclusively show that a prophet is not of God, false prophets can make true predictions, so there must be more than
just this one test.
4. Then by what standard may we establish the genuineness of one who claims to have the prophetic gift? Isaiah 8:20
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5. Why is this test possible? Malachi 3:6
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God does not change, and His truth never changes. If past truth were not applicable today, He would not have preserved it for us.
6. What are we to test in order that we may detect false prophets? 1John 4:1
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7. How are we to test spirits that inspire prophetic utterances? 1John 4:2-3
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8. What work is inspired revelation to do? 2Timothy 3:16-17
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True prophets do not predict events of just passing interest or to satisfy curiosity. The work of true prophets must always be to establish the
believers on the foundation of truth.
9. How will a true prophet’s life reveal the truth of the message he bears? Numbers 12:6-8
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10. What are the three ways God is saying He will communicate with prophets? Luke 7:26-28, Joel 2:28
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11. What happened to the prophet Daniel’s strength while in vision? Daniel 10:8
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12. What happened to Daniel’s natural breathing during the vision? Daniel 10:17
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13. Though he had retained no strength, what did Daniel do when strengthened by the angel? Daniel 10:10-11
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14. What happened to Balaam’s eyes while under the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit while in vision? Numbers 24:16
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When God gives a prophet a vision, He may reveal His work through supernatural signs.
15. If we reject God’s messengers, whom do we really reject? 1Samuel 8:7
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16. What is the result if we disregard God’s messages to us? 1Samuel 15:22-23
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17. Jesus warned against false prophets. However, did He say there would be no more prophets of any kind? Matthew 24:4-5; 23-27
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Why would Jesus tell us to test the prophets, instead of reject them outright, if there were not to be any more prophets.
18. While the Bible warns against accepting false prophets, it also warns against rejecting true prophets. What warning does Paul give
about quenching the Spirit? 1Thessalonians 5:19-21
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After testing a prophet, we are to hold fast to the good (for Satan always tries to discredit God’s messengers and cause us to lose faith in
them.) Let us not sin against, and quench the Holy Spirit by despising prophecies. > 2Chronicles 20:20
All God’s messages to men are weighted with eternal significance. God never sends us messages which we are free to accept or reject
whatever our mood or feelings happen to be. God’s counsel is necessary, or He would not give it to us. To reject the message or the
messenger is to reject its Author. When the first step is taken in rejection, a move is made that often sets one’s eternal destiny; each
succeeding step tends to strengthen the deceived in his deception, ending in eternal destruction. Have you rejected God’s prophetic
utterances in the Bible? If yes, repent and be forgiven today and get off the slippery slope of deception that will end in your eternal ruin.
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The Bible Says
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