INTRODUCTION: Throughout the Bible there is one great theme – God's love for a lost rebellious race. The climax of that theme and the event towards which the faithful of all ages have looked with eager anticipation is the reunion of the redeemed with the Redeemer at Jesus’ second coming. This was a great theme of the apostles. It is estimated that one in every 25 verses of the New Testament speaks of this event. Before the first coming of Jesus in Bethlehem, Satan was successful in confusing the Jewish people by causing them to misapply the prophecies of His second coming to His first coming. As a result, few were ready to receive Him. Now he is applying the prophecies of Jesus’ first coming – such as the 70th week in Daniel 9 – to His second coming. And again, it is working effectively to deceive! Let us see what the Bible says about the second coming of Jesus. 1. What was Christ's promise to His disciples? John 14:1-3 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 2. How did Christ describe His second coming? Luke 21:27 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Mark 13:26; Matthew 24:30 3. At Christ's ascension, what was said concerning the manner of His return? Acts 1:10-11 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Matthew 26:64; Mark 14:62 4. How visible will be His coming? Revelation 1:7 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Matthew 24:27 5. How does Paul refer to his appearing? Titus 2:13 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 6. What significant event will take place at Christ's appearance? 1Thessalonians 4:16-17 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 7. How does Job express his faith in the second coming and resurrection? Job 19:25-27 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 8. What warnings has Jesus given concerning false Christ's imitating His coming? Matthew 24:23-27 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 2Thessalonians 2:9, 10 9. Through whom does Christ reveal the knowledge of His coming? Amos 3:7 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 10. Why did Christ reprove leaders of Israel in His day? Matthew 16:2-3 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: Despite the prophecies pointing to the life and work of Christ, and the overwhelming evidence He gave them through the mighty works He performed, the vast majority of the people were not prepared to receive Jesus as a long awaited Messiah. 11. What world conditions did Jesus say would shortly precede His return? Luke 21:25-26, 31 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: It seems that every nation on the face the Earth is distressed today. The financial solvency of nearly every nation is being tested. The world economic system is such that the financial stability of even the strongest nations is jeopardized by the threatened imminent collapse of the weaker. There's also the ever-present threat of nuclear war with all its attendant horrors. It seems that peace and security have ceased to exist! 12. Why do things continue to deteriorate though men in government struggle to bring world peace and prosperity? Jeremiah 8:9 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 13. What is the root of the problems the world faces? 2Timothy 3:1-5 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 14. Will they get any better? 2Timothy 3:13 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 15. What will they be saying, however? 2 Thessalonians 5:2-3 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 16. What may we expect people to say about Christ’s soon return as the time approaches? 2Peter 3:3-4 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 17. Why does Jesus wait so long? 2Peter 3:10 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 18. Will the inhabitants of earth, as a whole, be prepared to meet Him? Luke 17:26-30 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 19. What works of judgment will Jesus do at His coming? Matthew 25:31-34 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Matthew 16:27; Psalm 50:3-4 20. What two historical events did Jesus use to illustrate this separation? Matthew 24:36-41; Luke 17:28-30 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: In this separation, those who were taken away died by the flood (verse 39), and the others were left alive in the ark. Only Lot was spared with his children when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. So will it be at Jesus’ second coming. While people are doing things, Jesus will come suddenly in judgment upon all. 21. Will Christ's coming be as a thief in the night? 2Peter 3:10 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 1Thessalonians 5:2; Revelation 3:3 22. What will happen to the kingdoms of the world when Jesus comes? Daniel 2:44 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Revelation 6:14-17; 16:19-21 23. What will happen to the wicked at Jesus’ second coming? 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 2 Thessalonians 2:8; 2 Peter 2:9 24. Will everyone who claims to be saved be taken to heaven when Jesus comes? Matthew 7:21-23 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 2Thessalonians 2:11-12 25. Has the exact time of Christ's return been revealed? Matthew 24:36 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 26. In view of this fact, how does Christ tell us to prepare for that glorious event? Matthew 24:42 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 27. What does Paul say we are to do to be ready on that day? Titus 2:11-14 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ The second coming of Jesus will be a sudden, all–encompassing surprise to the world, at which time all will be separated eternally; some to eternal destruction and some to eternal life. Because of a love that overcomes all obstacles, God paid an infinite price to ransom a lost race and to reunite the lost ones with their Redeemer. Yet, unfortunately, at the end of time will be brought to view many who are unprepared to meet Him – thus eternally lost – for whom the sacrifice was in vain. Is the glorious appearing of Jesus your blessed hope? Do you want Jesus to redeem you from every lawless deed, and to write His law of love and righteousness in your heart, so that you will rejoice to see His face? By God's grace, may we find ourselves among those waiting ones who will be able to look up and say, “Lo, this is our God, we have waited for Him and He will save us." Isaiah 25:9 MY RESPONSE TO CHRIST IS: GOD’S SEAL MARK OF THE BEAST Email us at: admin@thebiblesays.net
The Bible Says
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