INTRODUCTION: In Revelation 14 is brought to you the most solemn warning in all Scripture. It is given that we might avoid the consequences of choosing to receive the mark of the beast. With the warning so pointed and the stakes so high must we not know with certainty what that mark is? By the same token, the Bible also shows that there is also a mark that identifies God's people. It is equally important to know what that mark is. 1. How is the “man of sin” (sometimes called the beast power in Scripture) described by Paul? 2Thessalonians 2:3-4, 7–10 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Daniel 7:25 2. How did Jesus describe the professed Christians in the last days who follow the lawless beast power? Matthew 7:21–23 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Revelation 22:14 3. How many commandments may we disregard without being considered lawless by God? James 2:10–12 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 4. What commandment in God's law do most Christians disregard? Exodus 20:8-11 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: By looking at the calendar we find that the seventh day of the week is Saturday, not Sunday! According to the Ten Commandments, “the seventh day [not the first] is the Sabbath of the Lord [not of the Jews].” Remember, the Sabbath was set aside at Creation before there was such a thing as a Jew. Therefore, it applies to all people. > Isaiah 56:1-8; 58:13-14 5. When does the biblical Sabbath begin and end? Leviticus 23:32 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Genesis 1:5; Luke 23:54-56 6. What day did Jesus claim as His day? Mark 2:27-28 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 7. What right does Jesus have to claim a day as His? Colossians 1:16 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ John 1:3 8. When was the Sabbath instituted? Genesis 2:1-3 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Exodus 16:21-30; Matthew 24:20; Colossians 2:16; 17 9. Did Jesus keep the Sabbath while He was here on Earth? Luke 4:16 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 10. On what day did the apostle Paul, long after the crucifixion, worship with both the Jew and the Gentile? Acts 13:14; 16:13; 18:4, 11 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 11. Was this Paul's custom? Acts 17:2 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: Paul was accused of many things by the Jews, but one thing he was never accused of was Sabbath breaking! 12. What day did John, the last apostle, have a vision while in exile? Revelation 1:10 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: The only Lord's day throughout Scripture is the seventh day Sabbath. 13. The Bible describes a people who will repair a broken down law of God that has been trampled on for many generations. What commandment is it? Isaiah 58:12–14 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 14. On what day will the redeemed worship? Isaiah 66:22-23 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 15. While all the commandments show our allegiance, which one is a special sign of allegiance that we may know that we are truly following God as His people, and that He is our God? Exodus 20:19-20 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 16. Having established the Sabbath as the special sign, in the Bible, how else is this sign referred to? Exodus 31:13; Ezekiel 20:11-12 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ Revelation 7:2-4 17. Where are the people of God sealed? Revelation 7:3 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 18. What else is this mark in the forehead called? Revelation 7:2-4 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: What is so significant about the seal? A seal is something that is used to authenticate a signature. It attests to the genuineness of the article. It is used by kings and presidents. The seal must contain three things: (1) the name of the person by whose authority it is applied; (2) his official title for authority, and so his right to have jurisdiction in the area; (3) the extent of his dominion and jurisdiction. The seal of God is contained within the Sabbath commandment. It gives His name, God; His official title, Creator; and the extent of His dominion, the entire universe. 19. Conversely, where do those who take the mark of the beast find that mark? Revelation 13:16 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: Right hand indicates coercion or force being used to convince a person to take the mark of the beast. The forehead indicates a person taking the mark willingly because he/she has believed and accepted deception as truth. 20. Against what does the third Angel of Revelation 14 warn? Revelation 14:9-10 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 21. What punishment is enforced for those who refuse to accept the mark of apostasy? Revelation 13:15-17 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 22. How many will choose to worship the beast? Revelation 13:8 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 23. What will characterize those few who do not accept this mark of apostasy? Revelation 14:12 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 24. What will those who reject this mark of apostasy have on their foreheads? Revelation 14:1 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 25. What distinguishes God from all other false gods? Psalm 96:5; Isaiah 45:18 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ NOTE: It is God’s power to create that sets Him apart from all false gods; and why the Sabbath is the sign of His Creatorship. We may then know with certainty that any false religion will seek to replace the Sabbath with another day as a sign or mark of its own authority. If the Sabbath were not a point of controversy, it would stand alone, unchallenged, as the sign of God’s authority and right to man’s worship. Has any power or organization sought to change Sabbath the fourth commandment as a sign of its power and authority? Yes, the Roman Catholic church attempted to change God's law, as shown in the writings of the Catholic church itself. "This observance of the Sabbath* – in which, after all the only Protestant worship consists – not only has no foundation in the Bible, but it is in flagrant contradiction with its letter, which commands rest on the Sabbath, which is Saturday. "It was the Catholic church which, by the authority of Jesus Christ, has transferred this rest to the Sunday in remembrance of the resurrection of our Lord. Thus the observance of Sunday by the Protestants is an homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the authority of the church." Plain Talk About Protestantism of Today, 213, by Msgr. Segur, Thomas B Noonan & Co., Boston 1868. *“By the Sabbath," Msgr. Segur obviously means Sunday. He is therefore using the term in the popular but not the Biblical sense. "Question: Which is Sabbath day? "Answer: Saturday is the Sabbath. "Question: Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday? "Answer: We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church, in the Council of Laodicea (A.D. 336), transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday." The Converts Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, 50, by Peter Geiermann, London, 1934; Sanctioned by the Vatican, Jerry 25th, 1910 "What Bible authority is there for changing the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day of the week? Who gave the Pope authority to change a command of God? If the Bible is the only guide for the Christian, then the Seventh-day Adventist is right in observing the Saturday with a Jew… Is it not strange that those who make the Bible their only teacher should inconsistently follow in this matter the tradition of the church?" The Question Box Answers, 179, by Bertrand L. Conway, with a preface by Cardinal Gibbons; the Paulist Press, New York, 1923. 26. How does Jesus view traditions that do away with the commands of God? Mark 7:7-9 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 27. Following the warning in the third Angel’s message against the mark of apostasy, whom did John see in vision? Revelation 14:14 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 28. What does He do at this time? Revelation 14:16 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 29. What is a reaping time, or the harvest, called? Matthew 13:39 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ 30. What is the reward of those who refuse to accept the mark? Revelation 15:2-3 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________ All who are living in the last days of this world’s history will be faced with one of two choices – accept the seal of God or the mark of apostasy. The laws of the land will be so framed as to exterminate all who fail to join in this apostasy. (Revelation 13:15-17) With the issue thus laid out before them, those who join the apostasy receive of the wrath of God unmingled with mercy. Which seal will you accept? MY RESPONSE TO CHRIST IS: GOD’S SEAL MARK OF THE BEAST Email us at: admin@thebiblesays.net
The Bible Says
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