The last nation to be brought to view in prophecy and denoted by a beast is that found in the last half Revelation 13. This beast is unique,
in that it appears to have conflicting characteristics: its lamblike horns would seem to indicate docile tendencies, yet it speaks like a dragon.
1. What two beasts have been discussed previously to this lesson? Revelation 12:7-9; 13:1-2
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2. From where did this beast emerge? Revelation 13:11
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3. What did John see “coming up out of the earth” about the time this deadly wound (in verse 3) was inflicted? Revelation 13:11
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4. From where had the previous beast emerged? Revelation 13:1
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5. What was represented by water? Revelation 17:15
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All the other prophetic powers arose from existing civilizations ("water"), but here was a power arising toward the end of the 1700’s in a largely
unpopulated or sparsely populated area. - Daniel 7:3.
6. When was this beast to arise? Revelation 13:10–12
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This beast arose from the earth about the time the first beast received its wound, and it exercises power on behalf of the first beast which had
been wounded. Therefore, we would expect to see it emerge in a sparsely populated area sometime around 1798. Only one nation can be
said to have fulfilled both of these specifications, and that nation is the United States.)
7. How did this beast evolve? Revelation 13:11
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"Coming up" is from the Greek word "anabaino" meaning to "grow or spring up as a plant," (see Matthew 13:7). So this nation, instead of
arising through conquest, arose through growth.)
8. The beast of Revelation 13:1, representing the nations of Europe, had crowns to represent kingdoms. Did the beast of verse 11 have any
crowns? Revelation 13:11
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What is represented by the "two horns like a lamb?" A horn represents a kingdom, or some component part of a kingdom, as indicated in
Daniel 7:7-8, 24-25. These lamblike horns indicate an innocence or gentleness. (Christ was likened to a lamb. John 1:29) they might also
represent the two great principles incorporated into the federal government formed by the founding fathers – civil and religious liberty.
Therefore, based on all of the clues given including:
(A) a nation going to power;
(B) arising from a largely uninhabited territory;
(C) for the end of the 1700s;
(D) without a king;
(E) and what the two horns represent, indicate that the only nation this beast could possibly be is the United States.)
9. Can it be said, that this lamblike beast is involved in some way with religion as was the Dragon in Revelation 12 and the beast in
Revelation 13:1?
Revelation 13:12
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it is essential to note that when America was formed, religious freedom was or became an integral part of our Constitution and America became
the seat of Protestant strength. That strength will be turned into worship of the first beast.
10. Notwithstanding the lamb like appearance, when this power begins to assert itself, like whom does it speak? Revelation 13:12
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11. What will it say when it begins speaking like a dragon? Revelation 13:14
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12. How will the people of the world be led to form this image? Revelation 13:14
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13. How fully will it exercise the power of the first beast to command worship of that beast? Revelation 13:12
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During the many centuries the first beast dominated the politics of the world, it ruthlessly stamped out all opposition to Istanbul and putting to
death all who differed from its irreligious faith.
14. To what extent will the United States help to restore to the papacy its former power? Revelation 13:15
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We see that the United States, for many years that bastion of religious freedom, will become despotic and oppressing in enforcing papal
dogma. That includes a law requiring all people to worship on Sunday.
15. What does this third beast require all to receive? Revelation 13:16
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This mark is not a physical mark but a spiritual mark. It is a decision by all of mankind as to who they will give worship to; whether it be to God
by worshiping him on the Sabbath or Satan by worshiping him on Sunday. This will be discussed more fully in the next lesson.
16. What is the threat used to obtain compliance with reception of the mark? Revelation 13: 17
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17. What kind of agents does Satan often use to deceive people? 2Corinthians 11:13–15
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18. What is one of the major signs used to deceive the world? Revelation 13:13
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19. During this time of persecution, what is promised to the people of God? Isaiah. 33:16
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20. What is said regarding those who perish in the persecution of God's people? Revelation 14:13
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21. Where are the names written of those who refuse to bow to this apostasy? Revelation 13:8
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22. Where does John see those who are persecuted ultimately standing? Revelation 15:2
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23. What punishment will fall on all those who joined in this worldwide apostasy? Revelation 14:9-10
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Already, there are signs of the approaching night as it casts its shadow before it. In the establishment of a formal diplomatic mission with
the Vatican, The United States has given official recognition to the Church of Rome. We see in the efforts of some religious groups an
attempt to establish laws favorable to religious practice – laws promoting prayer in public schools or Sunday sacredness. All such
legislation, no matter how laudable the stated intentions, is aimed at creating a breach in the wall separating church and state. This paves
the way for the religious intolerance of the past to be repeated with oppression and persecution.
Before Jesus comes, all the world will be forced, on pain of boycott and death, to receive the mark of the beast by keeping Sunday holy. But
those who receive this mark receive "the wrath of God." The question then, is, whom will we obey? Will we say, “The Lord is my Light and…
Strength… Though an army should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear… For the time of trouble He shall hide me in His Pavilion."
(Psalm 27:1–5)? Will you follow God regardless of any and all human pressure to follow another master?
Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Revelation 2:10
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The Bible Says
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