To many, the gospel is the “good news,” while the law is the “bad news,” and the best part about the good news is that we no longer have
to listen to the bad news. Is this what the sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary was all about? Does the law offer anything to the born-again
Christian? To find the answer, we turn to God’s Word.
1. Through what do we receive salvation? Romans 1:16; 2Timothy 1:10
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1Corinthians 1:18
2. On what basis was Abraham accounted righteous? Romans 4:3
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3. By what means did the patriarchs and the prophets receive God’s approval? Hebrews 11:1-2
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4. What did the ceremonial law of the Jews contain? Hebrew 10:1
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Colossians 2:14-17
5. What were these “good things to come” which the ceremonial law foreshadowed? Hebrews 9:11
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NOTE: Christ, as Sacrifice and Priest, was the great reality, and the gospel was the objective point of the faith of believers under former dispensations.
6. Did those of the patriarchal age have knowledge of sin? Genesis 4:7, 20:9
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It should be noted from the foregoing reference that it was not just believers who had knowledge of sin, but the heathen/pagan as well.
7. By what means must they have gained knowledge? Romans 3:20; 7:7
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8. Christ saves believers from their sins under the Christian dispensation; but does His blood atone for sins committed in the old
Hebrews 9:15
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The blood of Christ was needed by believers the same in the old dispensation as in the new. The first promise made to man, that the seed of
the woman should bruise the serpent’s head, was as truly the gospel of Jesus Christ as was that preached by Paul.
9. Is the gospel limited to the New Testament era? Galatians 3:8; Hebrews 4:2
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We have learned from the foregoing Scriptures that from the earliest age men were convinced of sin, and that their knowledge of their sinful
condition could be learned in no other way than by a moral rule – God’s law. The good news, or gospel, gave them hope in the coming
Messiah who would take away their sins.)
10. At the first coming of Christ, what good tidings did the angels announce to the shepherds? Luke 2:10-11
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11. In Gabriel’s pre-announcement to Joseph of Christ’s birth and name, what did the angel say Christ would do? Matthew 1:21
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12. On what condition was He to save them? John 3:16
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13. Did Jesus expect to put away the law of God in order to save men? Matthew 5:17-18
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He came to fulfill the law; that is, to carry out its design. The law was ordained to life (Romans 7:10). Had man never broken the law, he would
not have been a sinner, and would therefore, from the first, have lived eternally. Now Christ fulfills it, or carries its design into effect; that is, he
gives life to the believer in Him. If the law could have been done away with after man had broken it, he would not then have needed Christ’s
atonement, for it is the law which condemns him to death. Christ could not remove the law in the least, for His mission was to pay the penalty
that the law required of the sinner.
14. Then if we have faith in Christ through the Gospel, how does that affect the law? Romans 3:31
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NOTE: The fact that Christ’s atonement is necessary to save one from eternal death shows the law is still in force. When one asks Christ to save him, he
acknowledges the power of the law to kill him, and thus the law is “established.” The law must exist with the gospel; otherwise the gospel has
no reason for being.
15. Have any people at any time ever been saved by keeping the law? Romans 3:20
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Galatians 2:16
16. So what is the purpose of the law, other than a sentence of death for not keeping it? Galatians 3:24
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Romans 7:7
17. How does the natural man view the law of God? Romans 8:7
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18. What does man become when he receives the gospel of Christ? 2Corinthians 5:17
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19. How did Jesus refer to this experience? John 3:3
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20. How does this change take place? Hebrews 10:16-17
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21. How does James refer to this law that is written on the heart? James 2:12
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22. Into whose image are we changed? 2Corinthians 3:18
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When we come to Christ, He forgives our sins. Then, as we behold Christ in the Word of God, the Holy Spirit reproduces in us the character
of Christ, writing His law in our minds and hearts, and we are empowered to keep His law perfectly. Thus, we are born again as new
creatures, children of the heavenly King. This is the power and object of the gospel that upholds the law and forms the character of God
within us. What is your decision today?
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The Bible Says
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