The lie that disobedient man would never die was a part of the first great deception. Even today in the “Christian” church, the non- biblical
doctrine of immortality of the soul lingers on. The concept that the dead can communicate with the living is an echo of the words of the
serpent, “Ye shall not surely die.” Is it possible that those who receive comfort from believing their departed loved ones are in heaven are
being prepared for an even greater deception?
1. Who alone hath immortality? 1Timothy 6:15-16
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1Timothy 1:17; Hebrews 13:8
2. What is the testimony of the Scriptures regarding the dead and their ability to communicate with the living? Job 7:7-10
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3. Why can’t the dead communicate with the living? Psalm 146:4; Ecclesiastes 9:5-6, 10
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The Bible tells us that at death the body returns to dust and the spirit returns to God (Ecclesiastes 12:7). What is this spirit that returns? The
word translated spirit is a Hebrew word meaning “wind” or “breath.” To the Bible writers, the spirit is the breath and not a living entity that can
exist separately from the body. See: Genesis 2:7; Job 27:3
4. What does the Bible say about those who attempt to communicate with the dead? Deuteronomy 18:10-12
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A familiar spirit is a demon which comes when summoned. Oxford English Dictionary Leviticus 19:31; 20:6, 27; Exodus 22:18)
5. How does God regard sorcerers? Malachi 3:5
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6. What is one thing that God condemns sorcerers for? Jeremiah 27:9-10
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7. What was the ancient law concerning witches and those who had familiar spirits? Leviticus 20:27
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8. We will look at one example in the Bible in association with these verses. The first king of Israel was Saul, of the tribe of Benjamin.
(1Samuel 10) What was one of the first things he did as king? 1Samuel 28:3
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9. With what is witchcraft associated with by Samuel? 1Samuel 15:22-23
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This was Saul’s second sin (See 1Samuel 13) wherein he exercised self and forsook God through deliberate disobedience which is considered
an act of rebellion)
10. What was Saul’s last act of rebellion? 1Samuel 28:7-8
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11. What was the reason for Saul’s death in war? 1Chronicles 10:13
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God says what He means. It is an abomination to Him to have anything to do with the occult. This includes witchcraft of any kind; astrology;
séances; palm readings; tarot cards; necromancy; sorcery; and any material dealing with such things, including fantasy novels.
12. With what is witchcraft classified by Paul? Galatians 5:20-21
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13. To whom should we turn for guidance? Psalm 25:8-9; John 16:13
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14. What counsel is given pertaining to testing the spirits? 1John 4:1
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Isaiah 8:20
15. By what are we to test them? Isaiah 8:20
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John 5:39; Acts 17:11.
16. What will be characteristic of “last day” apostasies from the faith? 1Timothy 4:1
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17. How will Satan deceive the people? 2Corinthains 11:14
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18. What role will his agents assume before the end? 2Corinthians 11:15
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19. What will they do to support their claim to be of a heavenly origin? Revelation 13:13-14
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20. How will Satan seek to deceive the whole world? Matthew 24:23-24
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By lying signs and wonders, Satan will seek to support his pretentious claims. His crowning act will be to attempt to counterfeit the second
coming of Christ. Our only security will be in the Scriptures. All doctrine must be compared with the testimony of the Bible. Isaiah 8:20.
21. After these signs and wonders, what will take place? 2Thessaonians 2:8-10
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22. Then what will those say who have maintained their love for the truth? Isaiah 25:9
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There is only one place to seek counsel, find wisdom, solace, peace and security in this world and that is the Bible. Anything else that does
not line up with the law and the prophets is of Satan and filled with half truths to deceive the world. To understand the Bible, the Spirit of
God must give you discernment (1Corinthians 2:13-14). To have that, you must be saved. What is your decision today?
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The Bible Says
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