We have been talking about death, the consequences of wickedness. But God does offer the better choice, eternal life. This life can only be
found in one person, and that is Jesus Christ. Satan desires all of us to die, but God loves us so much that He sent His Son to bear the
penalty that man deserved, eternal death. For those who choose to give up their rebellion and become children of God, God will give to man
what belongs to God alone – eternal life.
1. Where did the human race come from? Genesis 1:26-28
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Psalm 8:4-5
2. What kind of world did God create for our happiness – a real, tangible world; or a make believe, invisible world? Genesis 1:1, 11, 20, 24
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3. What did God think of His creation? Genesis 1:31
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4. God made the human family to enjoy this world forever if they would be loyal and trustworthy. But since Satan has already rebelled in
heaven, what provision for free choice did God give our first parents? Genesis 2: 8-9, 15-17
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Some understand this to mean that as soon as Adam and Eve sinned, they would have come under the sentence of death. The KJV margin
says: “dying thou shalt die.” On the other hand, if God had not implemented the plan of salvation immediately, already established in the
everlasting covenant, Adam and Eve would have died at once.
5. What had God assured man would be the consequence or result of transgression? Genesis 2:16-17
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6. Who promised life based on disobedience? Genesis 3:4
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7. As a result of his choice to disobey God, what legacy did Adam pass on to his descendants? Romans 5:12
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As a result of a weakened nature, each person follows in the footsteps of Adam, making Adam’s choice of transgression his own. Therefore,
death comes on all men.
8. What is God’s solution to the problem of death? John 3:16
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9. What does Christ declare Himself to be? John 11:25
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10. What kind of life has Jesus promised to give back to us? John 10:10
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Jesus promised a MORE abundant life (one of reality such as He created for us to enjoy in Eden, and which He said was “very good”), not a
LESS abundant life. This life not only applies to heaven, but to your present life as well. Right now, God promises to give us peace, joy, and
meaning to life. Mark 10:29-30
11. What does He make available to those who follow Him? John 10:27-28
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Romans 2:6-7
12. Can one have this life without Christ? 1John 5:12
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John 14:6
13. When will the saints receive this reward? Luke 14:14; 1Corinthians 15:51-57
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14. What is the condition of those who have died in Christ? Ecclesiastes 9:5-6, 10; 1Thessalonians 4:13
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15. How many distinct groups or classes of people will have a resurrection? Acts 24:15
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16. How does Christ describe these two resurrections? John 5:28-29
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Daniel 12:2
17. When will the resurrection of the just occur? 1Thessalonians 4:16; 1Corinthians 15:23
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18. How did the psalmist describe that moment when he comes to life and leaves the grave? Psalm 17:15
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19. Will our resurrected bodies be like our present bodies? 1Corinthians 15:42-44, 51-53
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20. After whose body will these resurrected ones be fashioned? Philippians 3:20-21
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1John 3:2
21. How long will the righteous live? Luke 20:36
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Revelation 21:4
22. What happens to the living wicked at Christ’s coming? Revelation 19:20-21
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Jeremiah 25:30-33; 2Thessalonians 2:8
23. How long does this other class wait after the first resurrection before they are raised? Revelation 20:4-5
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24. How many deaths are there for the wicked? Revelation 21:8
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25. What then is their fate? Hebrews 10:26, 27; Revelation 20:9, 15
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26. Who are to share in this fate? Revelation 21:8
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1Corinthians 6:9; Galatians 5:21; Ephesians 5:5; Revelation 21:27
27. What is the last enemy that shall be destroyed? 1Corinthians 15:26
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To those who accept Him, Jesus gives the promise of life after death. By His indwelling Spirit, He empowers them to live the life that He lived
(1John 3:24). Then, instead of being children of disobedience, and thus of wrath, they become loyal and obedient children of God (John
1:12), over whom the second death can have no power (Revelation 2:11: 20:6). What is your decision today?
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The Bible Says
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