INTRODUCTION: It was through the sanctuary, introduced in our last study, that God taught His people the purpose of the soul temple (1Corinthians 3:16, 17) and His method of dealing with sin. Only in understanding this truth can we appreciate the significance of the cleansing of the sanctuary and what it really means. 1. Why did God command Moses to make a sanctuary? Exodus 25:8 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 2. What was offered in the sanctuary? Hebrews 9:9 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 3. Besides the courtyard (outer court), how many parts did the sanctuary have? Exodus 26:33 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 4. What was contained in the first apartment called the Holy Place? Hebrew 9:2; Exodus 40:26 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 5. What was contained in the second compartment, the Most Holy Place? Exodus 26:33-34 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 6. What was contained in the Ark of the Covenant? Deuteronomy 10:4-5; Hebrews 9:4 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 7. Who went into the first apartment and how often? Hebrews 9:6 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 8. Who went into the second apartment? When and why? Hebrews 9:7; Leviticus 16:30, 33 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ NOTE: While the round of services dealt with the removal of sin from the people, it was not possible for the blood of animals to remove it. It could, however, show their faith in the efficacy of Christ’s blood, yet to be shed, and constantly direct their minds to Him, whose blood their sins caused to be shed. The work accomplished in the sanctuary was a type, or shadow, of Christ’s atoning work (see Hebrews 9:24-28), and as such, is of deep significance. With this thought in mind, we proceed to learn the process by which, in figure, their sins were put away from them. 9. What was a person who had sinned and desired pardon instructed to do? Leviticus 4:27-29 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 10. What was done with the blood? Leviticus 4:30 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 11. What methods were used in disposing of the body of the sin offering? Leviticus 6:25, 26; 4:21 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ NOTE: In the case of the common people, the sinner confessed his sin over the head of the animal sacrifice. He was then required to slay it. Part of the blood was then put on the horns of the altar and the rest poured out at the base. Part of the meat was to be eaten by the priest and thus, as a type of Christ, he bore the sins of the people. (See Leviticus 10:17) When a priest sinned, it was required that some of the blood of his sacrifice be taken directly within the holy place of the sanctuary. In this manner, at the time his were transferred to the sanctuary, he also transferred those that he bore for the common people. See Leviticus 3:3-7. 12. Following the round of yearly services and accumulations of the sins of the people, what service took place? Leviticus 16:29-30; 23:27 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 13. On the Day of Atonement, two goats were taken and lots were cast between them (Leviticus 16:5-8). What was done with the goat which was the Lord’s? Leviticus 16:9, 15 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 14. Why was this atonement necessary? Leviticus 16:16 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ NOTE: All year, the sins of the people had, by the blood of the offerings made at the door of the sanctuary, been transferred to the holy place of the sanctuary. On the Day of Atonement, the high priest, with the blood of the goat on which the Lord’s lot fell, entered the most holy place bearing the sins of the whole year. He stood before the mercy seat, where he atoned for them before God, by the application of the blood and thus the sanctuary was cleansed. 15. Having atoned for the sins in the Most Holy Place, the sins remained upon the priest. What did he do next? Leviticus 16:20-21 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 16. Who then bore the sin? Leviticus 16:20-22 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ NOTE: It should be noted that the sins that were placed upon the scapegoat had already been atoned for by the blood of the Lord’s goat and that once the sins were placed upon the scapegoat, he was removed from the people never to return. Thus, the sins were separated forever from the sanctuary. The scapegoat was a type of Satan, the originator of all sin, who will eventually receive the sins which God’s people have confessed which are currently transferred to the heavenly sanctuary, awaiting Christ to finish its cleansing. 17. While this was going on, what was required of the people? Leviticus 23:26-30 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 18. Of what was the earthly sanctuary and its services a type? Hebrews 8:4-5; 9:9, 11 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ NOTE: If there was a sanctuary of the old covenant, does the new covenant have a sanctuary too? Paul, writing in Hebrews, tells us that it does (Hebrews 8:2), and that the earthly was a type or example of this heavenly tabernacle. He also tells us that there is a cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary (Hebrews 9:23). In the next study, we will look more at this cleansing and its relation to the judgment. 19. What was to happen in conjunction with the Messiah being cut off? Daniel 9:27 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ Have your sins been transferred to the heavenly sanctuary yet through the atoning blood of Jesus? Or are you still carrying every single one you ever committed? Perhaps now is the time for you to get rid of that guilt and shame once and for all. MY RESPONSE TO CHRIST IS YES UNDECIDED Email us at: admin@thebiblesays.net
The Bible Says
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