In the book of Daniel, we find several outlines of world history, all covering the history of the world from the time of Daniel till the end of this
world’s history. Each is told in a different manner, so as to reveal different aspects of the significant events that would take place. As you
read chapters 8 and 9 in their entirety BEFORE you begin this study, you will notice the same sequence of nations is found as in the
prophecies of Daniel 2 and 7. In this vision however, a new focal point of prophecy is introduced, the sanctuary and its services.
1. At what time was Daniel’s 3rd vision? Daniel 8:1
THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________
2. What two animals did Daniel see in this vision? Daniel 8:2-8
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3. What did Daniel say he saw after the he-goats notable horn was broken? Daniel 8:8-9
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4. A significant phrase was shown Daniel relating to the sanctuary in Daniel 8:14. What is that phrase?
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We will deal more fully with what that phrase means in the next study.
5. During what time period was this prophecy to be fulfilled? Daniel 8:17
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Complete fulfillment of the vision will not come until the time of the end.
6. What part of the vision did the angel say to shut up and why? Daniel 8:26
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That part of the vision relating to the “evening-morning” (See the margin notes of your Bible on verse 14) was to be shut up for a time,
because that was not to be fulfilled for “many days.” Since the other portion of the vision, that of the ram standing by the river, took place in
Daniel’s day, it was proper to explain this part of the vision to Daniel so that he might tell the people what was coming.
7. What matter greatly concerned Daniel? Daniel 9:1-2
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8. What did this concern lead Daniel to do? Daniel 9:3
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9. What especially troubled the prophet? Daniel 9:17
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Desolate can also mean “laid waste; in a ruinous condition … destroyed.” Webster’s Dict. 1828.
10. While Daniel was praying for his people and the desolate sanctuary, who appeared to him? Daniel 9:21
THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________
11. For what purpose did the angel say he had come? Daniel 9:22-23
THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________
It was Gabriel who had been originally instructed to explain the previous vision to Daniel. He had explained all but the part relative to the time
element and the cleansing of the sanctuary. By his opening remark, we may know that he is about to clarify that part of the vision that he had
not explained before.
12. What is the rule for reckoning prophetic days? Ezekiel 4:5-6
THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________
“So Ezekiel 4:6, ‘I have appointed thee each day for a year,’ where the prophet was symbolically to bear the iniquity of Israel as many days as
they had sinned in years. In this usage, we find authority for interpreting days in prophecy as denoting years.’” George Bush, Professor of
Hebrew and Oriental Literature in New York City University, Notes on Numbers 14:34.
What did Gabriel indicate to Daniel were determined or decreed upon his people? Daniel 9:24
THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________
The term 70 weeks represents 70 periods of 7, or 490 days or years. The word “determined” comes from the Hebrew word chathak which
means “cut off.” The 490 years would then be a period of time especially belonging to or pertaining to the Jews that was cut off from the total
time of 2300 years. It follows that the 490 years began at the same time as the 2300.
14. When did the angel indicate that the 70 weeks were to begin?
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There are actually three decrees that were issued, allowing the Jews to return, but they culminated in the most complete one by Artaxerxes in
457 B.C. which restored Jerusalem’s political authority. See Ezra 6:14
15. According to Gabriel, when was the Messiah to come? Daniel 9:25
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“Sixty-nine of the 70 weeks were to occur before “Messiah the Prince.” Messiah is Christ, “The Anointed.” See margin of John 1:41 That
means that 483 years expired and reached to the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar’s reign.
16. What happened at the conclusion of the sixty-nine week time period? Luke 3:1-3, 21-22
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As was the custom of His day, Jesus began His ministry and was anointed by the Holy Spirit at the same time at the age of 30 in 27 A. D. This is
when Messiah, which means “Anointed” appeared. The anointing had to happen first before Messiah could appear.
17. Did Jesus recognize the fulfillment of this prophetic time? Mark 1:15
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NOTE: The Greek word used here is pleroo, meaning “fulfilled” or “completed,” as translated in the KJV, NKJV, and NASB. The time that had been
fulfilled was the 69 weeks. See also, Matthew 4:17)
18. What major event was to happen halfway through the 70th week of this time prophecy? Daniel 9:26
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Cut off means to kill. This could only refer to the cross upon which Jesus, the Messiah was slain or cut off.
19. What was to happen in conjunction with the Messiah being cut off? Daniel 9:27
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With the death of Jesus, the sacrificial system was done away with as Jesus was the ultimate and final sacrifice for all time.
20. What event brought the 70 weeks allotted to the Jews to a close? Acts 7:58-60
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This stoning occurred in A.D. 34. Immediately after this, the persecution of Christians got serious at the hands of Saul before his conversion,
causing the Christians to scatter and the message of the Gospel going to the Gentiles, thus signifying the end of the 70 weeks.
There yet remained 1810 years of the 2300 day/year prophecy. Adding 1810 to 34 A.D., and you get 1844 as the time appointed for the
cleansing of the sanctuary.
What are you doing regarding Jesus today in your life? Have you cut Him out of your life? Are you ready to commit or recommit yourself to
Him today? Or will you be like the Pharisees and be stubborn of heart and continue to refuse His offer to you?
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The Bible Says
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