In warning the disciples of Jerusalem’s destruction, Jesus drew their attention to the book of Daniel, in which future events – the rise and fall
of nations – were laid out, showing a picture of things to come, from the time of the prophet Daniel to the close of this earth’s history.
At the time of Daniel, the nation of Israel was in captivity, a subject of the kingdom of Babylon. Daniel, along with others of the Hebrew
princes, had been given a special education and had then been given a position as one of the wise men in the Babylonian court. A short
time later, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, summoned the wise men of his kingdom to a meeting.
1. For what purpose was this meeting? Daniel 2:3
THE BIBLE SAYS: _______________________________________________________________
2. What did the king desire of these wise men? Daniel 2:5
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3. How did the wise men before King Nebuchadnezzar reply? Daniel 2:10, 11
THE BIBLE SAYS: _______________________________________________________________
The wise men and the astrologers professed to be able to predict future events by the same methods astrology uses today, but its utter
worthlessness is here revealed.)
How did the king react to this response? Daniel 2:12
THE BIBLE SAYS: _______________________________________________________________
5. Before this execution was carried out, who went to the king and asked for time to give the dream and its meaning? Daniel 2:16
THE BIBLE SAYS: _______________________________________________________________
6. By what means did Daniel receive the dream and its interpretation? Daniel 2:18-19
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7. From whom, and for what purpose, did the king receive the dream? Daniel 2:28-29
THE BIBLE SAYS: _______________________________________________________________
8. What had the king seen in his dream? Daniel 2:31
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9. Of what was this image composed or made of? Daniel 7:6
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10. What did the king see happen to the image? Daniel 2:34-35
THE BIBLE SAYS: _______________________________________________________________
Having told the dream, what did Daniel interpret the carious metal part to represent? Daniel 7:23
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It was very appropriate for Babylon to be represented by gold, for the metropolis of Babylon reached a height of unrivaled magnificence.
12. How did the second kingdom compare with Babylon? Daniel 2:39
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What kingdom was this? Daniel 5:28-31
THE BIBLE SAYS: _______________________________________________________________
The fact that the little horn came up among the ten horns places it geographically in Western Europe.
14. By what is Grecia represented in the image? Daniel 2:39
THE BIBLE SAYS: _______________________________________________________________
The idea of universal rule in the case of these kingdoms may be understood in this way: When one of them came to the front, it became the
great and overpowering object in the political world, and in this sense was spoken of as having universal power. We may say of a custom that it
is universal, but we do not mean that every person in the world adopts it. It has simply gained prominence enough to command respect
everywhere without opposition. Since no one could successfully withstand these world empires, they were said to be universal.
15. What is said of the fourth kingdom? Daniel 2:40
THE BIBLE SAYS: _______________________________________________________________
If the first three kingdoms were universal, and fourth stronger than all the others, it too must have been universal. Two universal empires
cannot exist simultaneously; hence, if we find a fourth universal empire, it must be the one denoted by the legs of iron.
What is indicated by the mixture of clay and iron in the feet and toes? Daniel 2:41
THE BIBLE SAYS: _______________________________________________________________
There had been dominant world empires from the time of Babylonia until Rome, each represented by a different metal. When the Roman
empire fell to the barbarians, different groups of barbarians controlled different areas. Some were greater in strength and others less. It is from
these divisions that we now have the various nations of Europe. From these nations, there have been many attempts since Rome to unite the
kingdom once again and establish world dominance: Charlemagne; Charles V; Napoleon; and Germany under both Kaiser Wilhelm and Adolf
Hitler; and all have miserably failed.
17. What is to take place in the days of the kings represented by the feet and toes? Daniel 7:25
THE BIBLE SAYS: _______________________________________________________________
18. What is unique about this stone as Daniel relates to King Nebuchadnezzar what his dream was? Daniel 2:34
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19. Who does the stone represent in the vision from Daniel 2? Acts 4:10-11
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20. What other word is used as representing Christ? Ephesians 2:20
THE BIBLE SAYS: _______________________________________________________________
21. In the Bible, another word/phrase describes what this stone is in relation to building. What word/phrase is that?
Isaiah 28:16; 1Corinthians 3:11
THE BIBLE SAYS: _______________________________________________________________
22. What does Jesus have to say about the effect of this stone? Matthew 21:42-44
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The Rock is Christ. He that falls on the rock of Christ shall be broken, meaning that the person doing the falling has recognized his need of
Jesus and His saving work in their lives and is being both broken in spirit in confessing their sins and the worthlessness of their lives without
Him, as well as being broken free from the power of sin and the devil in their lives. Conversely, upon him whom the Rock falls, as portrayed in
the vision in Daniel 2, shall be utterly and completely destroyed without mercy because they did not take the opportunity given to them to fall
upon the Rock and thus be saved.) See also: 1Peter 2:7,-8; Romans 9:33; Isaiah 8:14-15; 1 Corinthians 10:1-4
This is an exciting time and day we live in, as the last act of this prophecy could happen in our day. Will you be ready for God to set up His
kingdom once and for all? Have you chosen to fall on the Rock of Jesus and place your trust in Him? If not, will you make that choice today?
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The Bible Says
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