In this world of darkness and uncertainty, God would not have His people confused or misled. To avoid this, He has planted waymarks
showing us the way with unerring accuracy so that we may recognize a divine control of the affairs of this earth. These waymarks are a
great source of strength and comfort to those who put their trust in Him.
1. What is God’s Word to His people? Psalm 119:105
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
2. What benefit is to be gained by God’s people as they read the Scriptures? Romans 15:4
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
3. By what means is all Scripture given? 2Timothy 3:16
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
4. To whom does God reveal His secrets? Amos 3:7
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
5. To whom do the things revealed belong, and why? Deuteronomy 29:29
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
6. What is the last book of the Bible called? Revelation 1:1
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
7. What is said of those who read or study this book? Revelation 1:3
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
The book of Revelation, then, is not only designed to be understood but a blessing is also pronounced upon those who read or study it. No
one would expect to obtain a blessing by reading a book he could not understand; hence the implication is that he who studies this book may
understand it.
8. How were the Old Testament prophecies given? 2Peter 1:21
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
9. What is said about interpreting these prophecies or how to interpret them? 2Peter 1:20
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
No one, unaided (relying on his own private judgment) is competent to give an exposition (explanation) of a prophecy. Its meaning should be
sought elsewhere in the Word of God, “comparing spiritual with spiritual.” (2Corinthians 2:13) “For precept must be upon precept, precept
upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little and there a little.” Isaiah 28:10
10. In giving their prophetic utterances, what did the prophets seek? 1Peter 1:9-10, Matthew 13:17; Luke 10:24
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
11. By whose spirit were the prophets actuated (started, set in motion)? 1Peter 1:11
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
Then all the prophecies of the Old Testament, as well as those of the New, were dictated by the Spirit of Christ, and are therefore designed to
be studied by Christians.
12. What promise is made to those who believe God’s prophets? 2Chronicles 20:20
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
13. By what means was Israel preserved? Hosea 12:13
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
Moses the prophet was God’s instrument through which he showed his love for Israel by bringing them through many trials to the Promised
Land. When Israel followed God’s instructions as given through Moses, they prospered or were successful, but when they did not, they were
met with adversity. By implication, we will be blessed and preserved when we follow the light given us by God through His prophets.
14. Where did Peter see the majesty (kingship) of Christ, and hear the approval words of God?
2Peter 1:18; Matthew 17:1-2; Mark 9:2-3; Luke 9:28-29
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
15. What other and more certain evidence did he have of the power and coming of Christ? 2Peter 1:19
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
The Revised Standard Version renders this verse, “We have the prophetic word made more sure.”
16. What prophecy did Jesus give His disciples regarding a future event that was of a great importance in helping them meet a crisis?
Matthew 24:15-20
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
Nearly 40 years following the giving of this prophecy, the Romans, under Cestius, laid siege to Jerusalem. Just when it seemed that the city
must fall, the siege was lifted and the Romans withdrew temporarily. Those who believed the words of Jesus had opportunity to flee before the
siege was again taken up by Titus, who completely destroyed the city in 70 A.D.
17. Why did Jesus reveal the future to His disciples? John 13:18-19
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
We see that the purpose of prophecy is not only to reveal the future and events thereto, but also to more firmly establish faith in prophecy’s
Author when we look back at fulfilled prophecy.
18. When were all the prophecies of the book of Daniel to be understood? Daniel 12:4
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
19. A lot of what is said in prophecy is given in “symbols” and “signs” for us to apply in today’s world. According to Jesus, what are some
of those signs as to the earth? Matthew 24:7
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
By “signs” we mean: “A token; something by which another thing is shown or represented; any visible thing, any motion, appearance or event
which indicates the existence or approach of something else. Thus we speak of signs of fair weather or of a storm...” Webster’s 1828 Dict.
20. According to Daniel, what is another sign as it pertains to people? Daniel 12:4
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
Knowledge, at least man’s knowledge, has dramatically increased over the last century up to the point where man is trying to play God once
again in things like cloning, and DNA duplication, etc. Our knowledge of God, who He is and what He has said in prophetic utterances should
receive our top priority in order for us to receive the promise.)
21. What further and fearful sign is given that is taking place today? Isaiah 8:19
The Bible says: _______________________________________________________
Nearly all forms of ancient sorcery and witchcraft were founded upon a belief in communion with the dead. Those who practiced the arts of
necromancy claimed to have intercourse with departed spirits, and to obtain through them a knowledge of future events. This same belief in
communion with the dead formed the cornerstone of heathen idolatry. All of this is founded upon that first lie by which Satan beguiled Eve in
Eden: “Ye shall not surely die.” A greater and more detailed study will be conducted later in this series. 1Timothy 4:1; 1Corinthians 10:20
It is certain that the study of prophecy should by no means be neglected. Prophecy is especially that which is said to be a lamp unto our
feet and a light unto our path. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. God will do nothing without first revealing what He is to do to His
people and why. Thus, God has given His people, through the prophetic Word, an opportunity to learn what is coming and is going to occur
on the earth in order that we may know how to act when the prediction comes to pass. In view of this, whoever is overtaken unawares by
any calamity which the prophecies have pointed out will be held guilty by Him who so kindly reveals these things for our benefit.
Will you study prophecy diligently and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth as presented in the Bible?
Email us at: admin@thebiblesays.net
The Bible Says
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