INTRODUCTION: In this lesson we are going to discuss two covenants, an “old” and a “new.” The word covenant means promise or agreement. But do not be confused by the terms “old” and “new.” The covenant made at Sinai is called the “old” covenant, but it is by no means the first covenant God ever made with man. Long before Sinai, God made a covenant with Abraham. He also made a covenant with Adam and Noah. If there had been no covenant before what is called the “old” covenant, then there would have been no pardon for the people living before the old covenant. What is called the “new” covenant existed long before the covenant made at Sinai. It is called the “new” covenant because it was not ratified until the cross. So, what does the Bible say? 1. What was promised to Abraham? Genesis 15:5, 18 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ 2. How was it to be obtained? Romans 4:13 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ 3. On what basis did the Lord make His covenant with Abraham? Genesis 26:2-5 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ NOTE: While the promise could be obtained only by faith, Abraham received it because he was obedient to all of God’s laws and commandments – he submitted to the authority of God and His government, thus demonstrating true faith. By this we see that the promise to Abraham is the promise to be obtained by faith – the new covenant promise. Galatians 3:26-29 4. How is perfect faith demonstrated? James 2:17-22 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ 5. Man lost life by sin. Through whom does he regain it? 2Timothy 1:1 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ 6. How do we demonstrate our new covenant relationship with Christ? 1John 3:6-9; John 14:15 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ NOTE: It was through disobedience that man lost his life, and it is obvious that he would not receive it back while still disloyal and disobedient to the government of God. (It would be much like a prisoner receiving pardon in spite of a continued life of crime.) It is certain that only those who have demonstrated their loyalty to the government of God by obedience through the power of Christ will be numbered with the righteous. (Romans 6:16) It is they who will be received back into the family of heaven. Revelation 3:21 7. How has Christ made this possible? Jeremiah 31:33 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ 8. How does Christ address those who profess this new covenant relationship, but have not shown it to be a reality by true obedience to all of His commandments? Matthew 7:21-23 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ NOTE: We see that it is the works (fruit) that determine the final reward rather than the profession. 9. If the covenant with Abraham – which is to be obtained by faith – is the “new” covenant, when was the “old” covenant given? Hebrews 8:9 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ 10. When God illustrated His plan of salvation at Sinai, what covenant did the people make with Him? Exodus 19:8 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ NOTE: When God gave the “old” covenant at Sinai, the people promised to keep it, and they intended to, but they could not do so in their own strength (Romans 8:3). They should have asked God for help; then the Saviour, to whom the “old” covenant pointed forward, would have come into their hearts and delivered them from the power of sin. John 8:34-36) 11. What is the weakness of the “old” covenant? Hebrews 8:6 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ NOTE: As noted earlier, a covenant is a mutual and solemn agreement. If the promises were the weaknesses of the “old” covenant, we need to examine the promises. If the promises were the weaknesses, it is evident then that the “old” covenant cannot be the Ten Commandment law, for they have no fault in them. ►Psalm 19:7; Romans 7:12) 12. What was the purpose of the laws of the earthly sanctuary? Galatians 3:24 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ also read John 5:46, 47; Hebrews 10:1 13. What was the result of their promises? Exodus 32:7-8 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ 14. What did the people’s answer really reveal? Psalm 78:35-37 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ NOTE: The answer of the people to God actually revealed presumption and a lack of faith. The demands of God’s law can never be satisfied by a faithless person. (See Hebrew 11:6) Transgression of that law is a result of a lack of faith. Therefore, for this faithless people to say that they would obey was stating an impossibility. (Obedience was required, but the people needed to know that it was possible only by dependence on God.) God, however, accepted them at their word and confirmed the covenant with them. Exodus 24:7-8 15. How long did that covenant actually last? Exodus 24:18; 32:1 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ NOTE: When the people broke their promise, the covenant was voided. The weakness was the weakness of the people’s promise of obedience, for true obedience can only be rendered by faith. 16. As part of this covenant, what did God instruct Moses to build? Exodus 25:8 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ 17. Where were the “old” covenant services performed? Hebrews 9:1-5 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ also read Leviticus chapters 1-9 18. What did Paul call the “old” covenant sanctuary, with its earthly services? Hebrews 9:24 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ NOTE: The old covenant is a picture of the new covenant. It is the plan of salvation illustrated. In some respects, it is like a picture of a man’s wife. The man may show it to you and say, “This is my wife.” But is it really? No, it is only a picture! He may treasure the picture, but it cannot replace his wife. The Jewish nation hung on to the old covenant picture but rejected the One to whom it pointed forward – Jesus and His ministry. We could also illustrate it with a blueprint of a house which is made before the house is built. ►Hebrews 8:3-5 19. Everything in the “old” covenant – its people, its law; its sanctuary and services, its eventual capital city, etc. – represented (or pictured) something in the “new” covenant established at the cross. Who did the HIGH PRIEST represent? Hebrews 4:14-16 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ also read Hebrews 2:17; 3:1; 1Timothy 2:5 20. Who did the people of the “old” covenant, the literal children of Abraham, represent? Galatians 3:9, 29 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ Romans 2:28-29; John 8:39-40 21. What “new” covenant capital city corresponds to the “old” covenant CAPITAL? Galatians 4:24-26 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ NOTE: Some people still look to old-covenant Jerusalem for the fulfillment of God’s promises. Like the Pharisees, they are still clinging to the old- covenant “picture”; but that covenant was nailed to the cross. The old covenant was like Hagar. Hagar was intended to be the mid-wife to deliver the child of promise, but she was never intended to be the mother of that child. Thus, the old covenant was perfect for leading God’s people to Christ and to the New Jerusalem, but it was never intended to take its place. ►Hebrews 11:10 22. How did the “old” covenant SACRIFICES take away sin? Hebrews 10:4-5 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ NOTE: Those who trusted in those sacrifices alone to take away sin were lost. The sacrificial system was designed to develop and show one’s faith in the coming Messiah. ►Hebrews 10:11 23. Who did the Lamb represent? John 1:29 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ also read 1Corinthians 5:7; Revelation 5:6-14 24. What was one purpose of the law? Romans 7:7-10 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ 25. From where does Jesus carry on His “new” covenant ministry for us? Hebrews 8:1-2 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ also read Revelation 1:13; 4:5; 8:3-4 11:19 26. What is the basis for the “new” covenant? Hebrews 8:10 THE BIBLE SAYS: ___________________________________________________ NOTE: We see that both covenants required obedience. Life has always been given subject to obedience; it was never offered any other way, except by the serpent (Genesis 3:4); but we know that disobedience always brings death. Under the old covenant, the people pledged to supply obedience through their own strength; under the new, God promises to supply it by writing the law in our hearts, making obedience a heart service, not a response from fear of death. COMMITMENT: Do you want Jesus to perform this New Covenant ministry in your life? MY RESPONSE TO CHRIST IS □ YES □ UNDECIDED Email us at: admin@thebiblesays.net
The Bible Says
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