1. On the basis of God’s standard of judgment (the law), how many can be justified or declared innocent? Psalm 143:1-2; Romans 3:10-12 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: Justify – “To free from blame, declare guiltless; absolve.” Webster, 1828 Dictionary. 2. Why is this so? Romans 3:23 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 3. Will the unrighteous be saved? 1Corinthians 6:9-11 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 4. Can one receive justification by keeping the law? Galatians 2:16 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 5. How then can righteousness be obtained? Romans 3:24-25 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: We know from earlier studies that when God speaks, there is power in the word itself to accomplish the thing that was spoken Psalm 33:6, 9; Isaiah 55:11. When God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass,” there was immediately grass, where there had never been grass before. It didn’t just appear as though there was grass, there was in fact grass. In the same way, when Christ justifies us, declaring the guilty righteous, we have righteousness where before there was only guilt and no possibility of it being any other way. 6. On what conditions may this righteousness be obtained? Romans 4:5 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: All the blessings that heaven has to bestow come through faith in Jesus. 7. To whom is this righteousness available? Romans 3:22 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 8. Is a simple acknowledgement of God’s requirements sufficient? James 2:14, 19, 20-22 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ Also Read Romans 2:13 9. Sin is transgression of God’s law (1John 3:4), and it is the law that defines sin so that we may know what sin is (Romans 3:20). Can anyone living in willful violation of God’s law be justified? Galatians 2:17-18; Romans 2:13 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: We are faced with three theories as to what it means to be justified. Either: 1) Our faith eliminates or voids the law as a valid standard of behavior (no); 2) Christ’s righteousness covers us like a blanket hiding our sinfulness, pretending we are righteous when, in fact, we are subject to the same deformities of character that previously marked our behavior (no), or 3) When He justifies us, or declares us righteous, there is a power in His Word that works within us transforming – re-creating – us, making Christ’s life a reality within us. 10. To whom did Christ become the author of salvation? Hebrews 5:9 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 11. How complete is this obedience to be? 2Corinthians 10:5 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: The law judges deeper than the actions, and reaches even to the thoughts and motives. Matthew 5:27-28; see also Hebrews 4:12 12. What is God’s will then, concerning His people? 1Thessalonians 4:3 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: Sanctify – “To make holy; to make free from sin; purify.” Webster, 1828 Dictionary. 13. Are we able, of ourselves, to render this obedience? Jeremiah 13:23; John 15:5 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 14. Why is this the case? Romans 7:18-19 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ also read Romans 8:5-8 15. What then must take place? Romans 12:2 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 16. Through what means does transformation take place? John 17:17-19; 8:31-32 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 17. How can we live this new life of righteousness? Romans 8:2-4 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: God has power to help even the worst sinner overcome his sins. 1John 3:3-9; Hebrews 10:16; Ezekiel 36:25-28; 1Corinthians 10:13; Philippians 4:13; John 8:34-36; Hebrews 7:25 18. How does Christ say this new life is maintained? John 15:4-5 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 19. Who showed us the way to live this new life of righteousness? 1Peter 2:21 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ also read Hebrews 2:10, 16-18; Matthew 16:24 20. In demonstrating a righteous life, Jesus showed us three things we can do to enable the Holy Spirit to give us this new life. What is one thing that Jesus did, and taught us to do, to live the victorious Christian life? Luke 21:34-36 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ also read Luke 6:12; 1Thessalonians 5:17 21. A second thing Jesus did was to study the Bible and to resist temptation by quoting Scripture. What will regular Bible study do for us? 2Peter 1:3-4 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: When we study the Bible daily, the Holy Spirit fills us with holy thoughts and gives us strength to resist temptation. When Jesus was tempted, He quoted Scripture that He had memorized. If we fill our minds with texts of the Bible and Christian songs, our minds will not be so easily affected by sin. Then, when we are tempted, if we will quote Scripture and pray for strength we will obtain victory. also read Matthew 4:3-4, 7, 10; Psalm 119:11; John 6:53-57, 63; 17:17) 22. Thirdly, after receiving spiritual strength through prayer and Bible study, Jesus mentally and consciously resisted Satan and his temptations and chose to do right (See Isaiah 7:14, 15; Luke 4:8). What should we do when tempted? James 4:7-8 THE BIBLE SAYS: _______________________________________ also read Ephesians 6:10-18 23. How is this submission accomplished? Mark 8:34 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ also read Luke 14:26-27, 33; Galatians 2:20 24. These three things – Prayer, Bible Study, and exercising our will to submit to God unreservedly and thus choosing to do good in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit, are the secrets for victorious Christian living. We must combine divine power with human effort. But we must do this every day, even moment by moment! How can we have a growing Christian experience? Colossians 2:6 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ also read Ephesians 2:3-6 25. To whom will the gates of the heavenly city open? Isaiah 26:2; Revelation 22:14 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ COMMENT: If you search the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, you will find only two groups of people – those who are obedient through faith in Jesus and those who are not. Each is promised a reward at the end, and in both cases, it is rendered according to their works. Revelation 20:13; 22:12 Is it your desire to be born again into a spiritual life of righteousness, with Jesus as your example? Will you spend time with Jesus every day in prayer and Bible study? And with the strength you thus receive from God, will you choose to submit yourself unreservedly to God, resist sin, and follow the Lord Jesus Christ? MY RESPONSE TO CHRIST IS YES UNDECIDED Email us at: admin@thebiblesays.net
The Bible Says
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