CONFESSION 1. How necessary is confession to forgiveness? Proverbs 28:13 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 2. What follows confession of sin? Psalm 32:5 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 3. What is the possibility of hiding our guilt? Numbers 32:23 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 4. What is the consequence if we attempt to hide our sin? Proverbs 28:13 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 5. What promise is made to those who faithfully confess their sin? 1John 1:9 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ NOTE: After we confess our sins, we are not to keep on dwelling upon them, but to have faith that God has forgiven them. 6. To whom besides God are we to confess our sins? James 5:16 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ NOTE: W h i l e a l l s i n s s h o u l d b e c o n fe ss e d t o G o d , o n l y t h o se s i n s wh i c h h a v e d i r ec t l y i n j u r e d a n o t h e r s h o u l d b e c o n f e ss e d t o t h e p e r s o n i n v o l v e d ) . FORGIVENESS 7. What reason is given for God’s readiness to forgive? Micah 7:18, Psalm 103:10-11, Isaiah 38:17 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ 8. Why is God longsuffering and why does He manifest such mercy toward me? 2Peter 3:9 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ Romans 2:4; Exodus 34:6-7 9. In what way did God demonstrate His love to us and willingness to accept us? Romans 5:8 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 1John 3:16, John 3:16 10. If we ask forgiveness, will we receive it? Matthew 7:8 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 11. What tender assurance has God given those who come to Him? Isaiah 49:15 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 12. What conditions must accompany our seeking forgiveness? Isaiah 55:7, Ezekiel 33:14, 16 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: A confession of guilt, without a sorrow for sin that leads to a turning away from wrong doing, is meaningless. You see, confession is our admission that things are as they are, with shading of facts to cover guilt. Once we clearly understand the nature of the wrong, to refuse to admit or confess that this is the case is to imply that the need for forgiveness does not exist, and so long as this is the case, none is received. Self has many ingenious ways of adjusting reality, in our minds, to alleviate guilt, but only those with open and frank admission of the truth can the forgiveness be received, truly removing the guilt and condemnation; the process is thus repentance, confession, restoration. 13. In addition to repentance, what else must be present to obtain forgiveness? Matthew 6:14-15 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: By showing an unwillingness to extend to others the same blessing we receive from our Heavenly Father, we show ourselves unworthy of the blessing He desires to give us. Matthew 18:21-35 14. What has God promised to do with the sins that we confess to Him? Micah 7:19, Psalm 103:12 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ Hebrews 8:12; 10:17 15. What is the condition of those whose sins are forgiven? Psalm 32:1-2 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ CONVERSION 16. What importance did Jesus attach to conversion? Matthew 18:3 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 17. Using different words, how else did Jesus state this truth? John 3:3 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 18. In order to clarify His meaning, how did Jesus further explain the new birth? John 3:5-6 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 19. What takes place in this new birth experience? 2Corinthians 5:17 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ Galatians 6:15 20. It is apparent that his change is not a physical one; to what is the Bible referring? Ephesians 4:21-24 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ Colossians 3:10; 2Corinthians 4:16 21. What are the differences between the converted and unconverted mind? Romans 8:6-7 THE BIBLE SAYS: _____________________________________________________ Unconverted Converted 22. How did David refer to this experience? Psalm 51:10 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 23. By what power was the original creation wrought? Psalm 33:6 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 24. Through what power is conversion wrought? 1Peter 1:23-25 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: The power that created the world is the same power that will change us. 25. What two steps are necessary to make this change? Mark 1:15; Acts 20:20-21 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 26. Upon repentance, what promise is made concerning our sins? Acts 3:19 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 27. How does the Bible define sin? 1John 3:4 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 28. What law is John referring to? James 2:10-11 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 29. What shows that one is indeed born again? 1John 2:3 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ John 14:15 30. What will be the experience of those born again and living in Christ? Romans 8:1 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ 31. How is this change brought about? 2Corinthians 3:18 THE BIBLE SAYS: ______________________________________________________ C O MME N T : T h e b o r n a g a i n e x p e r i e n c e i s n o t a o n e - t im e e x p e r i e n c e b r o u g h t a b o u t b y t h e i n d i v i d u al g i v i n g a me n t al as s e n t t o t h e f a c t t h at h e i s l o st a n d i n n ee d o f sa l v a t i o n ; r a t h e r , i t i s t h e b e g i nn i n g o f a n e w l i f e , a l i f e t h at i s t o b e f o u n d o n l y i n C h r i s t , a r a d i c al c h a n g e f r o m t h e o l d w ay o f l if e . B y f a i t h , t h e o l d m an o f s e l f, d ie s, a n d w e b e c o m e a n e w c r e a t i o n i n C h r i st J e s u s, c o n fo r me d t o H i s im a g e , l i v i n g a cc o r d i n g t o H i s w i l l . MY RESPONSE TO CHRIST IS YES UNDECIDED Email us at: admin@thebiblesays.net
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