1. For what purpose did Christ come into the world? 1Timothy 1:15 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read Luke 19:10, 1John 3:5 2. From what was Christ to save sinners? Matthew 1:21 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read Acts 13:38 3. Can salvation come from any other source? Acts 4:12 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read John 14:6; 10:7-9 4. By what means do we have access to the Father? 1Timothy 2:5 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read Hebrews 10:19 5. How dependent are we upon Christ for salvation? John 15:5-6 THE BIBLE SAYS: 6. What was to be accomplished by Christ’s life, death and sacrifice? 1John 3:8 THE BIBLE SAYS: NOTE: Sin had created a separation between man and his God (Isaiah 59:2) In Christ, the power of sin in men’s lives is broken, and they may, by turning their loyalty to God, live lives in accordance with His law (1John 3:6, 9), and again become one with Him, thus preparing ourselves to meet Him when He returns to claim them as His own - Read 1John 3:2. 7. How is this transformation accomplished? 2Corinthians 5:21 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read Romans 5:17-19; 3; 3:22 8. What may we expect as the natural consequence of sin? Romans 6:23 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read Romans 5:12; James 1:15 9. Christ came to save men from sin; but how does He deal with the results of sin (death)? John 11:25-26; Revelation 20:14 THE BIBLE SAYS: 10. How complete is Christ’s power to save? Hebrews 7:25 THE BIBLE SAYS: NOTE: Uttermost means to the furthest, highest, greatest degree; so a man who is saved is as saved as saved can be. 11. To whom is this power available? John 3:16 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read Romans 10:13 12. What will be the eventual reward of those who accept the saving power of Christ’s sacrifice? Revelation 3:21 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read 2Timothy 2:12; Luke 22:29-30 13. Salvation is an unspeakable gift of God (2 Corinthians 9:13), but in order to receive it, we must have an attitude of repentance. From where do we receive repentance? Acts 5:30-31 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read Luke 24:46-47 14. Who are called to repentance? Luke 5:32 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read Matthew 9:13 15. How inclusive is this designation? Romans 3:23 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read Romans 3:9-10; 11:32; Galatians 3:22 16. What do those who do transgressions bring upon themselves? Ephesians 5:5-6 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read Romans 1:18 17. How extensive is God’s knowledge of our sin? Ecclesiastes 12:14 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read Hebrews 4:13 18. In what then, is there hope for the sinner? Acts 3:19 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read Acts 2:38 19. What is Jesus’ promise to the repentant sinner? 1John 1:9 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read 1John 1:7; Ephesians 1:7; Psalm 32:5 20. What then takes place? 1John 2:1 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read Romans 8:34 21. What is the alternative? Proverbs 28:13 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read Psalm 32:3-4; 38:1-8 22. What is the result of godly sorrow? 2Corinthians 7:10a THE BIBLE SAYS: Read Psalm 51:1-13 23. What follows repentance? Ezekiel 18:30-31 THE BIBLE SAYS: Read John 6:11; 5:14; Ephesians 4:22-23 24. What is the result of worldly sorrow? 2 Corinthians 7:10b THE BIBLE SAYS: NOTE: A godly sorrow is a sorrow for the act – a repenting and turning away from sin. A worldly sorrow regrets the results of sin, rather than the sin itself. True repentance reflects a change of mind and is accompanied by reformation, which is a corresponding change of life. 25. What will true repentance lead us to do with our past, sinful way of life? Romans 6:6, 16 THE BIBLE SAYS: NOTE: By God’s help we will crucify the sinful habits we once cherished. True repentance will also cause us to make restitution for our wrongs (such as paying back stolen goods) where we can. Galatians 2:20; 5:24; 6:14 26. When God sent the Ninevites a message of impending destruction, how did they show their repentance and what were the results? Jonah 3:7-10 THE BIBLE SAYS: 27. How does God lead us to repentance? Romans 2:4 THE BIBLE SAYS: NOTE: Christ is the source of every right impulse. We can no more repent without the Spirit of Christ working upon the heart than we can receive forgiveness without Him. It is the Holy Spirit impressing upon our minds the sacrifice of Christ, the mystery of redemption, and the goodness of God that leads us to repentance. It is the incomprehensible love of God for a rebellious race that melts the stubborn heart and fills the sinner with remorse for the pain that his rebellion has cost heaven. When we look at the dying Saviour, we behold a love that is beyond our feeble comprehension, and we are filled with loathing for the sins that caused His death. Without this enmity for sin, there can be no true turning away from it, and thus no repentance. MY RESPONSE TO CHRIST IS □ YES □ UNDECIDED Email us at: admin@thebiblesays.net
The Bible Says
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