1. With whom did sin originate? 1 John 3:8
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2. Where did Jesus say Satan came from? Luke 10:18
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3. How did Satan come into existence, and what was he like initially? Ezekiel 28:15
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4. What led to Satan’s rebellion and downfall? Ezekiel 28:15-17
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5. How was this sin manifested? Isaiah 14:13-14
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All sin is the manifestation, in one form or another, of pride or selfishness, and its results are the opposite of those produced by love.
Sin places self above all else, even before God. The foregoing passage in Ezekiel says Satan was perfect until sin was found in Him.
Since sin is clearly defined in 1John 3:4 as transgression of the law (God’s Law); then there had to be the same law in heaven prior to
Adam in order for Satan to have sinned and thus become the first sinner.
6. What else does the Bible say pertaining to Satan? 1 John 3:8
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7. What did Satan’s sin lead to in heaven? Revelation 12:7-8
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8. Who were expelled from heaven with Satan? Revelation 12:9
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God could not excuse Lucifer’s sin. Yet, God did not destroy him. Why? There are two reasons: (1) God is love. He wants all of creation to
serve Him in love. If God destroyed Satan immediately, without refuting his lies, then all would serve God from fear. The Bible says,
“…… there is no fear in love.” (1 John 4:18) So, the act of destroying Satan immediately would have been contrary to God’s character
and principles of life. (2) God gave Satan time in order for Satan to develop the principles of his own government. In so doing, God
allowed the universe to see the terrible results of the selfishness of sin, thus vindicating His character and refuting Satan’s lies. Once
completed and sin destroyed, it will never rise again. Nahum 1:9.
9. Though not initially manifested, what was inherent in sin? John 8:44 ►Matthew 5:27-28
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While much that is sin is passed off in today’s world as harmless or, at most, insignificant, this is not the case with God. He looks beyond
the act itself to that which we cannot see, both the motive, and the end to which it will lead if not checked, and judges accordingly. Thus
was Satan’s downfall. His pride and self-exaltation led to the deceitfulness of lies being told by Satan about God. One of those lies (the
same one told to Eve) is that God is selfish. The Gospel message unmasks that lie. But that lie has led to many being deceived as to
who God is and continues to plague mankind today.
10. In contrast to the pride and self-exaltation exhibited by Satan, what spirit did Christ manifest? Philippians 2:5-8
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The principle of love, as demonstrated in the sacrifice of Christ, forms the basis for all God’s dealings with His creatures, and is thus the
basis of His government. All sin, which is selfishness, places us out of harmony with, and therefore, in rebellion against that government.
11. After Satan was banished from heaven, where did he go? Revelation 12:12
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12. What was man’s original condition, as he was created? Genesis 1:27
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“In the image of God” denotes more than a physical resemblance. Man was to be a reflection of what God is; a demonstration before the
universe of the wisdom and love of God. ►Ephesians 3:8-11
13. What did God give to Adam initially after creation was finished? Genesis 1:26
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14. What did the serpent (Satan) tempt Eve with if she disobeyed? Genesis 3:4-5
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God made man in His own image to reflect His glory. Satan told Eve that God was selfish, and he promised man that he could go
beyond having a mere reflection, and, in fact, be a god with life unborrowed and underived. All this was to be possible by disobedience.
15. After man accepted Satan’s temptation and acted upon it, what change took place in him? Genesis 3:7, 10
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When man sinned, several things occurred simultaneously. Of the most significance, man lost the garment of Christ’s righteousness that
had been their covering, which was how they were created to be both a reflection of God and a dwelling place for His Spirit (I Corinthians
6:19). Secondly, but of equal importance, mankind came under the control of another power. By accepting Satan’s invitation to sin,
they also accepted his (Satan’s) authority, rejecting the authority of their Creator. When they acted upon it, they received the mind of
Satan. ►Jeremiah 17:9; John 8:44
16. What else did Adam forfeit when he sinned, and who claimed it? Luke 4:5-7 John 14:30; 2Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 6:12
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17. What promise, limiting Satan’s power, was made to the fallen pair? Genesis 3:15
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This verse contains what is known as the first “Messianic” prophecy, a foretelling of the everlasting covenant being fulfilled and ratified
in Jesus Christ. This promise also set the pair at enmity with Satan, that his power was not absolute, and that by faith in the promise,
victory could still be theirs.
18. How were the out-workings of sin soon demonstrated? Genesis 4:8
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19. What effect did this change have on the human race, as a whole? Genesis 6:5; Romans 5:19
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Adam could pass on to his posterity only that which he had – a bent or propensity to sin. But God is a just God. He says in Ezekiel 18:20
that, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” But it does not stop there. God goes on to say that, “The son shall not bear the iniquity of the
father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of
the wicked will be upon him.” That means that God could not, in His justice, allow all of mankind to be destroyed and without hope
because of Adam’s (our father’s) sin. This is where Jesus, as our Substitute and the gospel of salvation come in as God’s justice
demands (See Lesson 3 and onward for larger development of this theme.
20. Where is sin recorded? Jeremiah 2:22; Revelation 20:11-13
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21. What does Satan do to those who oppose truth? 2Timothy 2:25-26; John 8:34-44; Ephesians 2:1-3
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22. What warning does Peter give to Christians living in the last days? 1Peter 5:6-9; Ephesians 6:10-18
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23. How will Satan work in the last days and who will he deceive? 2 Thessalonians 2:8-10; Revelation 16:14
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24. How will Satan disguise his work and workers in the last days? 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
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See Matthew 4:5-6 where Satan quotes the Bible trying to get Christ to sin.
25. Why will men be deceived so easily in the last days? 2 Thessalonians 2:10
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26. How can we overcome Satan? Revelation 12:11
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27. When was Satan actually defeated and judged? John 12:31-33; Hebrews 2:14
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28. Because that is so, does Satan really have any power over the converted believer? Romans 6:6, 11-14, 18; 1Corinthians 10:13
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29. What eventually happens to Satan? Revelation 20:1-3
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30. How long does he have to be “chained?” Revelation 20:2-3
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Satan’s chain is being confined to that which he claimed as his, the earth, along with all the destruction and desolation he caused. He will
be miserable because there is no one to rule, no one to tempt, no one to converse with, no one for 1,000 years).
31. What happens after the 1,000 years are over? Revelation 20:7-8
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32. Is Satan successful at his last attempt to usurp God’s throne? Revelation 20:9-10
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33. What will be the end of Satan and sin, once and for all? Ezekiel 28:18-19; Malachi 4:1-3
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Many people have wondered how a God of love could permit the sin and suffering in the world today. But God never intended it to be this way.
God never made sin or suffering. What he did do was give every created being, including the angels, the power of choice. One of those
created beings, Lucifer, the highest angel in heaven, chose or decided to rebel. Through his ruse, many other angels were deceived and
joined him in his rebellion. Then, our parents chose to sin and joined with him. God allows the sin and suffering in order to show the world
and the universe, just how wrong Satan is and why one should not continue the rebellion and follow him. Even more important, God has
provided the remedy for sin and the grace and strength to withstand him, and that remedy is Jesus Christ, the cross, the blood, the
resurrection and acceptance by the Father of His sacrifice. He is available to everyone who is willing to study His Word and chooses to follow
Him instead of Satan. Will you make that commitment today?
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The Bible Says
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