1. By what other names is the Bible known? John 5:39; Luke 4:4; John 1:1
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2. By what means was the Bible given? 2Timothy 3:16
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Inspiration means “the infusion of ideas into the mind by the Holy Spirit; the conveying into the minds of men,
ideas, notices or monitions (warning, instruction given by way of caution) by extraordinary or supernatural
influence; or the communication of the divine will to the understanding by suggestions, or impressions on the
mind, which leave no room to doubt the reality of their supernatural origin.” Webster’s 1828 Dictionary)
3. What specific purpose does the Bible serve and what should be the end result of those who use it
appropriately? 2Timothy 3:16-17
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4. Who actually wrote the majority of the Bible? 2Peter 1:21
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NOTE: God Himself wrote the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:2-17. Exodus 31:18
5. What element is an absolute essential in order for us to believe the Bible? Hebrews 11:3, 6
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Not only the Bible testimony, but most of our learning has been received through faith. As children, our parent
showed us a ball and said, “This is a ball.” We believed them because we had faith in their word. Most of us have
not been to Siberia, but we believe it exists because we have faith in those in positions of authority who have
instructed us. Many people reject the Bible because of their belief in evolution, but evolution itself can be believed
only on the basis of faith in someone’s interpretation of selected evidence. The further study verse is Hebrews 4:2
6. How does God define faith? Hebrews 11:1
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God does not bypass the human mind. He says, “Come now, and let us reason together.” (Isaiah 1:18) God gives
sufficient evidence from which to honestly base our faith. But faith is founded upon evidence of things which are
not seen with natural sight. We cannot see the wind, but we can see the evidences of the wind. Further study,
Romans 8:24-25
7. How does Jesus define faith? Matthew 8:5-10, 13
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In summation, great faith is simply believing what is said, because God said it.
8. What evidence has God given us upon which we can base our faith that He truly is God Isaiah 42:5; 45:18-19;
Romans 1:20
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Creation itself is all that is needed to support the claim of God that He alone is God and Creator of Heaven and
Earth. Colossians 1:16; 2Peter 1:19
9. How does the writer of Hebrews 4:12 describe the Word of God?
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10. Does the Bible have the power to heal? If so, how many? Psalm 107:20; 103:3
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11. What is one of the ways we can protect ourselves from Satan? Psalm 119:11
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Jesus is our example and this is how He defeated Satan. Matthew 4:4; 7; 13)
12. What else should the Bible be to us? Psalm 119:105; 133
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13. How does God see His Word? Psalm 138:2
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14. Who is the living Word of God? John 1:1-3
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Jesus is the Word of God personified. It’s all about Him, His creative work, His life, death and resurrection, His High
Priestly ministry, His ability to restore, and His soon return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Hebrews 1:1-3
15.How should we think about the Word of God, and why? 1Peter 2:2-3
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16. Who else is closely associated working the same with the Word, Jesus Christ? John 6:63
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17. What else does the Word bring to one’s life? Romans 10:3-4, 10
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The word “end” in vs. 4 does not mean termination. Rather, as used in this verse, it means aim or goal, i.e. Christ
is the aim or goal of the law for everyone that believes. His character formed within us is the writing of the Law on
our hearts and thus brings in His righteousness to our lives. 1Corinthians 1:30; Philippians 1:11; 3:9; 2Peter 1:1
18. By what means are we sanctified? John 17:17
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19. Why were God’s people destroyed in ancient times? Hosea 4:6; also Isaiah 5:13
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20. How did Jesus refer to those who do not believe all that the Bible says? Luke 24:25
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21. What knowledge does God alone have? Isaiah 46:9-10
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In the lessons following in this series, we will note prophecies that foretold accurately events happening hundreds
and thousands of years later. We will note prophecies of Greece, Rome and Europe, in some cases giving the
specific dates for certain events. The Bible also describes the events and conditions of today. John 14:29
22. What conditions does the Bible predict will prevail in society in the “last days?” 2Timothy 3:1-9
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Sin has always existed in society since the fall of Adam & Eve, but the conditions described in our text will increase
in the last days. Matthew 24:37-39; Genesis 6:5
23. Through what process does God develop faith? Romans 10:13-15, 17; also 1Corinthians 1:21-24; Matthew
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24. What is the enduring quality of God’s Word, Isaiah 40:8
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25. What are some of the signs that Jesus said would be occurring in and to this world in the last days? Matthew
24:6-7; also Revelation 11:18
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These things have always existed but have become more frequent, and more intense as we approach the end.
In the midst of all the calamities, violence and unrest in the last days, for what will many people be
seeking and predicting?
1Thessalonians 5:2-3; also Revelation 18:7-8
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27. What attitude will prevail in the last days in regard to the Second Coming of Jesus? 2Peter 3:3-7
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Unfortunately, men and women in general will scoff at the faith of Christians and what the Word of God says,
denying the evidences of creation and the flood. They will claim that all things continue in a uniform process of
evolution, a process that as far as they are concerned, has not, and cannot be changed, and thus deny God
altogether. Luke 18:8; Romans 1:19-22
28. While the moral conditions of society are rapidly deteriorating, while efforts to reduce international tensions
and wars are preoccupying us, and while evolution replaces belief in creation, what will suddenly happen
to the earth? 2Peter 3:10-13; also Luke 21:34-35
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29. How can we be preserved from the coming destruction? John 3:16; also Psalm 91:1, 2; 7-10; 27:1-5; John
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30. What does Jesus say is a part of believing in Him? Luke 9:23; also Mark 4:34-35
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31. From whom do we receive the gift of faith, which we must have in order to believe and be saved?
Romans 12:3; James 1:17; also Hebrews 12:2; Mark 89:24; James 1:5
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32. What is the only means by which we can believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? John 6:44-45
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33. In John 3:3. Jesus said we must be “born again” if we shall see the kingdom of God. What is one of the
primary means that God uses to produce a “born again” person? 1Peter 1:23
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Only those who have been drawn by and learn from the Father can believe on Jesus Christ. As we ask God to
teach us, while studying His Word, and opening our minds to the evidences of His presence, He will teach us; He
will give us faith; and we will be drawn to Christ as our Saviour. John 20:31; Mark 16:17
34. What did Jesus say was as important as “hearing” God’s Word? John 14:15; Matthew 7:24; James 1:22-25;
also 1 John 5:2-3
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35. What important thing did the Bereans do that warranted a comment from Paul? Acts 17:10-11
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If we are going to understand the Bible, we must recognize that all of it is important and none of it is to be
neglected. If we will, like the Bereans, study the WHOLE Bible exactly as God tells us to, we will find the truth.
Anyone, rich, poor, educated, uneducated can understand it. God gives us six basic principles for studying the
Bible correctly. We will now take a look at those six principles.
36. What is one condition that God sets forth for understanding the Bible? Matthew 11:25; also 1Corinthians
1:21; 26-31
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By use of the child, Jesus is saying we must be like them, humble and teachable.
37. What is the second condition that God gives for understanding the Bible?
Isaiah 28:9-10; also 2 Peter 1:20; Luke 24:27, 44; 1Corinthians 2:13
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We must let the Bible interpret itself by comparing Scripture with Scripture. We should study everything the Bible
says on a subject to make sure we are not misinterpreting a given passage.
38. What is the third condition for understanding the Bible? 1Corinthians 2:7, 10, 14; also John 16:13
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We must ask that the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth.
39. What is the fourth condition God sets forth for understanding the Bible? 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12; also
Hebrews 4:12; Romans 1:28
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We must really WANT to know truth. Some people are looking for excuses NOT to believe the truth. If they look
hard enough, God will let them be deceived, and they will be lost.
40. What is the fifth condition God gives for understanding the Bible? Jeremiah 29:13; also Matthew 13:45-46;
Isaiah 44:3; Matthew 5:6
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We must really search for truth. Even if we have all the true principles for studying the Bible, if we do not spend
sufficient time studying, we still will not find God’s truth for today.
41. What is a sixth condition for understanding the Bible? John 8:31; also John 7:17; Matthew 13:12; 7:24-27
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We must follow what we already know to be truth. Ask a question of yourself, “Why should God reveal more truth
to us if we are not following what He has already revealed to us? Obviously, the answer is He won’t. Let us be
diligent in following after revealed truth.)
42. What invitation does God give to each one of us? Psalm 34:8; Matthew 11:28-30
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To be understood, the Bible must be studied from a higher standpoint than mere human logic. There must also
be the element of conviction from God and an exercise of faith. In His Word, God has given abundant evidence
– He can foretell the future with 100% accuracy. The greatest evidence is the abiding presence of Christ within
one’s life.
God is fair. He says, “Taste and see” for yourself (Psalm 34:8). You do not have to rely on another’s faith. His
promise is that “You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13) Is
it your desire to let Jesus teach you truth through His Word? Will you endeavor to study His Word every day in
the way God has told us to study it? Will you give God an opportunity to demonstrate His goodness in your life?
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The Bible Says
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